The Kitchen is the Heart of the Home > The Cook House

Substitute for eggs

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I need to find a substitute for eggs when baking.  Most of us get tummy troubles from them.  Don't want anything with soy either.  I found a few things that suggested using mixtures of other baking ingredients, like yeast, baking soda and oil.  But what do you do if the recipe already has these ingredients in it?  Have one with a birthday Monday and need to bake a cake! ;D

I have friends who use chia seeds since they're super nutritious:

I read that you can use yogurt in place of eggs - 1/4 cup per egg.


--- Quote from: RenKnitter on October 03, 2013, 12:15:51 PM ---I read that you can use yogurt in place of eggs - 1/4 cup per egg.

--- End quote ---
Really,  it's that easy?  Have you ever tried it?  I've always got yogurt it the house. :)

I have not tried it, but have seen this tip in multiple places.  I always use soy flour, and that works fine.

I also read that you can use banana, but you will be able to taste it in the finished product.


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