The Hearth > Managing a Household

Thrusday, December 19,2013

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Good Morning

We are suppose to have winter again. SNow and cold temperatures. I think I finished shoppping. I will go into my moms today and wrap presents and bring back, I need to finish teachers gifts and bookwork, The normal housework and some errands in town. DD is home so I dont have the outside chores at times, depends on what needs done. So I want to get my inside things finished. TIme for my coffee and getting kids up

Have a great day


Up early, a lot to do.
I had Nolan most of yesterday, I enjoy time with him.
We will have the house full Christmas Eve.  My DH invited his brother, sister in law, and niece.  He didn't want them spending it alone with the nephew gone.
I told him don't be surprised if they don't change their mind.
I have no idea how my sil is dealing with this...holidays are tough.
My nephew is coming out for our annual wrap gifts/dinner/dessert time. 
Dinner is meatloaf, potatoes, green beans..
I will bake carmelitas and cookies today.
Wishing you all a blessed day.

Good morning!

I'm sitting here enjoying the sunshine.  We're having a couple of nice, warm days then they're predicting possible severe storms by this weekend.  I really hope we don't have bad weather.  It seems we have 2 seasons in Alabama, summer and tornado season!

Today I'd like to take some time to just sit and write out my goals and wishes for the upcoming year.  I have lots of ideas in my head but I need to get them down on paper before I forget half of them.

I want to work on my menu for January too.

Supper tonight is cubed steak, green beans, and potatoes. 

Hope everyone has a great day! :)

Good morning!

Cheryl, that's what they say about Oklahoma, too. 

Heading out on my hike in five minutes.  Kind of excited because it's been a month since we've gotten to go.  Supposed to be a high of 70 today then get that crazy front through tonight and have highs in the 30's tomorrow.  So we need to enjoy being out while we can.  :) 

We got most of our wrapping done last night.  Well, over half.  We were running out of tape (thanks to kids taking it and using it for random things) so had to use a glue stick for some of it. 

Dinner tonight is eggroll in a bowl.  Stretches the meat so that's a good thing.  I hope we like it.

Better get a move on...have a great day!


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