The Craft Room > Christmas Club

December 24....


Wrapping finished as of last night.  Helped all the kids (the younger ones) get their stuff done, too.  I baked pumpkin bread and made spiced nuts but didn't get cookies made.  Maddy made and decorated my bday cake.  I plan to make up some gift bags with apple butter and pumpkin bread and a card for our immediate neighbors (4 houses) and take those over or send the kids (the kids LOVE any excuse to go visiting, lol).  I think Earl said he has one last thing coming today to wrap but that doesn't affect me.  :)

Earl will also hunt up the stockings this evening and we'll hang those off the piano for the night and fill them.  Our friends will probably come by after church tonight to exchange gifts (they always buy for the kids and we bought for them).

Oh, and I am making a make-ahead caramel baked French toast recipe to have tomorrow morning with some bacon and sausage.  Will probably do that this afternoon.

We had the children to open their presents this morning before James left for work. I think all are pleased. Today I will help Brittany make gingerbread people for presents. She has also been working at chocolate covered Oreo pops. They are so pretty. I need to deliver our neighbor her mug with sugar free hot chocolate. I am still putting away produce from the farmer' s market. Besides that, I need to do some cleaning and get our clothes ready for tomorrow.

Just got 3 loads of clothes on the line....some things have to happen no matter the day.  ;D

~Caylon and her two kids are going to a brunch in just a few minutes and she has baked apple/croissant thingamajigs in the oven.  They sure do smell good.   :)  ~Aaron and Holden will be going to a Christmas Eve get together at 4:00 this afternoon.
~I have to get 2 pans of lasagna ready to put into the oven and a salad made by 5:00 and in the oven to bake.
~We (minus Aaron and Holden) are going to Christmas Eve service at our church at 5:00.  I'll set the timer on the oven to bake our lasagna while we're there.
~Lasagna and salad for supper when we get back from church.
~Board games and/or puzzles will be our entertainment tonight.



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