The Craft Room > Christmas Club

Christmas-what would you do differently next year?

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Mountain Mama:
What, if anything, would you like to do differently for Christmas next year?  I would like to send out Christmas cards.  I haven't done it in years because it just got too expensive but if I plan ahead now I should be able to pull it off.  I think I would also like to try a different menu.  We usually have turkey.   It just seems too much like Thanksgiving to me.  We aren't ham eaters but there must be something else.  Maybe roast beef.  I'm sure there are more things that I would change but I have a whole year to figure it out.  Maybe that's the key right there.  Better and earlier planning.


Good question I was just thinking of this myself today

1) plan to spend money all through the year - I saw a thing that say buy gift cards each pay or month and put aside for Christmas - I am going to do this - cash is no good for me - I'll end up using it to pay other bills - I just know it

2) Christmas cards - still do these but I think I may go back to regular cards and just print a picture and put it inside we will see - cost of printed picture cards is awfully high

3) decorations - we didn't really buy too much nor do we need too much but today I am headed to CVS and I have some EBC to use and a $5 coupon so I am hoping for some lights - white - I broke mine a couple of years ago and have not replaced them

4) make more gifts

5) stick to a budget really really really well - we did fairly well but there is always room for improvement

6) make less giving treats - I think just do one thing and mass give instead of lots of treats just make one kind - I'm leaning towards peppermint bark - I will still make cookies for here but less of everything else would be less stress and less cost


1) Yes, buy more gifts throughout the year as I have the funds and come across something appropriate.

2)  Save some money through the year to use especially with the online Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales.

3)  Buy more local and/or handmade items.

4)  Send cards at Valentine's or 4th of July, sometime when people aren't expecting a card.

5)  Make more gifts-failed miserably at this this year.

Something else, I have a friend who is really good about planning ahead.  For summer or Christmas or whatever, she'll plan a special activity for each day.  Some are small and quick, some more time intensive.  I'd like to do this for the month of December, whether in the form of a homemade Advent calendar or otherwise.

My two main goals for next Christmas are 1) make more gifts and 2) accumulate gifts throughout the year.

I did get my Christmas cards out before Christmas this year, so that was a big accomplishment!  ;D


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