Titus 2 Homemakers

The Hearth => Managing a Household => : Cheryl August 16, 2014, 06:39:27 AM

: Saturday, August 16, 2014
: Cheryl August 16, 2014, 06:39:27 AM
Good morning! 

Well, it's the weekend and I have nothing exciting planned.  Tony's at work, Emily's still asleep, I've had my coffee and morning walk, and I don't know what I'll get into. ;)

I need to do laundry.  That never ends, it seems.  At least it's not very hot outside and I won't melt hanging laundry on the line.  I felt bad all day yesterday and didn't get as much accomplished as I wanted to, so I guess today will be spent playing catch-up on cleaning.

Hope everyone has a great weekend! :)
: Re: Saturday, August 16, 2014
: greyhoundgirl August 16, 2014, 07:17:41 AM
Good morning!

Yesterday was a very full day.  After picking the kids up from school, we ran home and ate some leftovers for dinner.  Then Earl, Max, and I headed to his school for orientation (they start Monday).  This is a little Christian preschool and Mom's Day Out program at a local church.  Max will be in the actual pre-K class this year learning to write and get ready for kindergarten.  After orientation, we had to go pick up our Azure order which had been delayed (supposed to come in on Wednesday).  We came home, put that away, then our friends the Crafts came over and we did Morgan's cake and presents with them.

So, this morning, Morgan and I are heading to pick up her friend Elena.  I am taking them to the mall for a birthday package they offer for little girls.  Mini manicure, mini pedicure, they get their hair done and get a tiara for $9 for all.  I had planned to take them Thursday but the tummy bug messed up all that.

Have a great day!
: Re: Saturday, August 16, 2014
: wrancher August 16, 2014, 08:41:53 AM
Good morning

I am tired from the big college run but got a lot to do so have started laundry and was going through emails and mail and trying to figure out what needs done first.  I will head in and get bountiful basket at 11 now as they changed time again.  After I get back it is cleanings and putting out mineral and salt and will take fecal samples from the cows to be sent in.  I got stuck with a load of hay thrusday but guessing I could get it out now. 

Coffee time
: Re: Saturday, August 16, 2014
: gaggleofseven August 16, 2014, 09:39:13 AM
Good morning. We woke up to rain, which was nice but we had planned on mowing the lawn and doing some yard work. I guess that will have to wait a while. Today is "catch up" on laundry and housework, and a quick trip to the grocery store. The children are enjoying playing at home, having finished their first week back to school. The summer sure went quickly!

Not sure what dinner will be. I'm trying to re-think some of my menus.

Have a great day!
: Re: Saturday, August 16, 2014
: Rooney August 16, 2014, 08:31:22 PM
Good morning!

Yesterday was a very full day.  After picking the kids up from school, we ran home and ate some leftovers for dinner.  Then Earl, Max, and I headed to his school for orientation (they start Monday).  This is a little Christian preschool and Mom's Day Out program at a local church.  Max will be in the actual pre-K class this year learning to write and get ready for kindergarten.  After orientation, we had to go pick up our Azure order which had been delayed (supposed to come in on Wednesday).  We came home, put that away, then our friends the Crafts came over and we did Morgan's cake and presents with them.

So, this morning, Morgan and I are heading to pick up her friend Elena.  I am taking them to the mall for a birthday package they offer for little girls.  Mini manicure, mini pedicure, they get their hair done and get a tiara for $9 for all. I had planned to take them Thursday but the tummy bug messed up all that.

Have a great day!

I'll bet Morgan absolutely loved that! :)  I know my DD6 would.  Where did you go to have that done?  $9 is awesome! :)
: Re: Saturday, August 16, 2014
: greyhoundgirl August 16, 2014, 09:35:36 PM
Good morning!

Yesterday was a very full day.  After picking the kids up from school, we ran home and ate some leftovers for dinner.  Then Earl, Max, and I headed to his school for orientation (they start Monday).  This is a little Christian preschool and Mom's Day Out program at a local church.  Max will be in the actual pre-K class this year learning to write and get ready for kindergarten.  After orientation, we had to go pick up our Azure order which had been delayed (supposed to come in on Wednesday).  We came home, put that away, then our friends the Crafts came over and we did Morgan's cake and presents with them.

So, this morning, Morgan and I are heading to pick up her friend Elena.  I am taking them to the mall for a birthday package they offer for little girls.  Mini manicure, mini pedicure, they get their hair done and get a tiara for $9 for all. I had planned to take them Thursday but the tummy bug messed up all that.

Have a great day!

I'll bet Morgan absolutely loved that! :)  I know my DD6 would.  Where did you go to have that done?  $9 is awesome! :)

It's at a cosmetology school in the mall.  When we got there, it turned out that that deal was on parties with a minimum of 6 girls, so we just got finger and toe nails painted instead.  They still had fun, though.