Author Topic: Monday, December 1, 2014  (Read 633 times)

Offline wrancher

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Monday, December 1, 2014
« on: December 01, 2014, 06:35:06 AM »
Good morning

Offline wrancher

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Re: Monday, December 1, 2014
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2014, 06:48:36 AM »
We had a good time on our get away. Kinda. The couple we rode up with their daughter was in a car accident near their house.  She was ok but the car was totaled. Lucky she is alive since she wore her seat belt and air bags deployed.  We did get a quick I mean quick Christmas family picture right before Megan went back to college. She had to be back to go to work at 5.  We got the trees setup but not decorated.  Allison got her 1st deer a doe.  Ross said it was a great hunt!   I think he was just as excited as she was.  Levi is antsy now to get his .  Today is on the ranch and this evening I go to last meeting for women managing cattle.  I need to write down Ashley's basketball schedule next.  I want to make some treats for kids after school.  Ross is going to friend tonight to grind deer meat.  I want some for chislets. 

Coffee time
« Last Edit: December 01, 2014, 07:03:18 AM by wrancher »

Offline 4kidsmom

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Re: Monday, December 1, 2014
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2014, 09:17:42 AM »
Good morning!

Thanksgiving was great.  Busy but great.  We celebrated Thanksgiving on Thursday with the in-laws then my birthday on Friday, then Thanksgiving 2.0 on Saturday with my family.  I enjoyed the celebrations very much.

Now it's December and time to think about Christmas!  Our family tradition is to decorate the tree on Dec. 1.  We have a very tight schedule tonight so we set up the tree last night and tonight we'll decorate it.  Tomorrow we'll decorate the rest of the house.

Tomorrow also the Relief Society (ladies auxiliary for the LDS Church) Presidency (I'm second counselor) is hosting a luncheon for the ladies in our ward (congregation) who are 80 and older.  So today I will do my food prep.  I'll also get out the box of ornaments from the shed so they can warm up.  I've got to do some other errands related to that luncheon tomorrow which I will do after I drop off Alex at school.

I don't have the twins today since their mom is sick.

With all the things I need to do for tomorrow, I think the only regular housekeeping I will be able to do today is laundry.  I will also enlist the help of my boys to clean the basement (since it's mostly toys).

Dinner tonight is either leftovers or a soup.  And brownies cut and decorated to look like Christmas trees in celebration of our Trim the Tree party.

Hope you all have a blessed day!


Offline Rooney

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Re: Monday, December 1, 2014
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2014, 12:46:09 PM »
Hey girls!

Normal Monday around here.  Finish school, laundry, figure out dinner, and some extra cleaning.  I also have to put together my Vitacost order and place it today because if I wait till tomorrow I won't get the extra 12% off.  Need lots so the discount is needed.  Also need to put together a list for hubby to swing by a couple of places on the way home.  He is the one that does all of the "we just need a few things at the store" trips since he is already in town anyway.  Saves a lot on gas that way since we live so far out. ;)  Janice, you are one step ahead of me on the tree.We didn't get the tree put up this weekend so will try to in the next few days. The hard part is prying it out of the storage area. LOL  I like just using the lights from the tree in the evenings instead of the regular lights, so calming and peaceful (if there is such a thing in this house. LOL ;))  I only use lights, no ornaments, because the littles tend to pull them off and break them.  That's OK though, the lights are the pretty part to me.

We are also trying to get the bathroom that is in the main area of the house finished.  It is the one that had a pipe leak in the bathroom above and come through the ceiling.  Well, the ceiling is fixed, but now it needs to be repainted.  Been putting it off but now it must be done because we have company at Christmas.  Have any of you ever used the paints that have the primer in them?  I am thinking it would save a step.  Do they work as well?

Merilee- hope you had a wonderful birthday.

Well, got stuff to do.  Have a good day girls.