Author Topic: Thursday, April 9  (Read 979 times)

Offline wrancher

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Thursday, April 9
« on: April 09, 2015, 06:48:55 AM »
Good morning

Offline wrancher

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Re: Thursday, April 9
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2015, 07:06:09 AM »
We had a little shower through night.  It is still dreary.  Just go ahead and rain!  I hate to even write what I have to do today as it never goes the way we want. Yesterday all I had to do was play a movie at church school.  Tv would show DVD screen but would not play nor would it let me get the DVDs back out.  I ended up taking them down to another class and using their movie.  Ashley's ear problem was hopefully the wax he removed from her ear.  So today I absolutely have to do bookwork and egg order.  Lane has a golf meet tomorrow in city.  I hope to take Ashley along or at least pick up her glasses.  I need to wash some bedding today. See how far I get on that one.  My list is long I will spare you the details.  Maybe I can make up for list time today.  On good note Allisons dress fit for wedding.  My mom was up at my mils and she saw it needed taken in in arm area and will fix for her. 

Coffee time

Offline 4kidsmom

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Re: Thursday, April 9
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2015, 08:00:39 AM »
Good morning!

The past week we were on spring break so I was focusing on my family.  We had a nice relaxing break.  We enjoyed Easter and our church's annual General Conference (a weekend of hearing sermons from our top church leaders).

Yesterday it rained all day.  We even had some snow!  I am so grateful for the water--our winter was terribly dry (we only had 3 snowstorms worth anything all winter) and in a state that depends on snowpack for summer water--well, there were lots of thanks going up yesterday!

Yesterday I spent my time wrangling clothes and cleaning up the boys' bedroom.  Someday they will learn to put dirty clothes in the hamper and to not just throw stuff everywhere when they are looking for something.

Today I am making some plans.  I am working on breakfast and lunch  menus for this month.  I also want to tweak my dinner menu.  I am trying to avoid going to the store as much as possible because I am working on cleaning out my fridge and pantry.  I think I can make it through the weekend at least.

The laundry is done, the boys' room is done.  So I'm going to work on the areas of the house I neglected yesterday--family room, living room and kitchen.  Most of the kitchen is done--just waiting for the dishwasher to finish so I can reload it.  The living and family rooms just need to be picked up.  Today's cleaning is in the bathrooms.  I'd also like to work on the office--it's the dumping ground and it's gotten so bad you have to step over stuff to walk through it.  Please tell me I'm not the only one with a room like that. :)

I have the twins today, and the usual round of pick ups and drop offs this afternoon.

Hope you all have a good day.


Offline pamgonzo

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Re: Thursday, April 9
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2015, 08:48:16 AM »
Good Morning Ladies!

Another rainy day here.  Gloomy as all get out, but we surely need the rain!  They were saying these storms were suppose to be really strong with possible tornadoes and such, but so far it just seems drizzly and pretty calm.  Hoping it stays that way!

I have such a hard time getting motivated on days like today.  I guess I should make a rainy day project list to give me some kind of direction! 

I need to color my hair to cover some gray and roots, so today might be a good day to do that.   

We were going to go to our son's baseball games this afternoon, but with the rain they have been postponed until tomorrow.  Hopefully the weather will clear for that. 

So, since we were going to be out of town I figured we would grab dinner somewhere on the way home.
Now I will need to make a dinner plan for us.  Maybe something simple like pasta, or possibly just a big pot of chili.
I had better make a decision on that pretty soon!

Hope everyone has a great day! 
Living in West Michigan and loving life!
Wife of 32 years
At home Mom to 3 grown sons ages 29, 25, 22 and  daughter in love aged 25

Offline Rooney

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Re: Thursday, April 9
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2015, 12:27:03 PM »
Good afternoon Janice, Merilee, Pam and everyone else! :)

We are under a severe weather watch until 7am tomorrow morning.  We have been under some type of watch since Sunday.  I am ready for the rain to move on.  I totally know what you mean Pam, about the gloomy days making it more difficult to accomplish things.  The sun just seems to give me the boost I need.  Saturday is supposed to be beautiful, 70 and sunny! :)

Kids are finishing lunch right now and then we will finish up school.  I am so proud of them.  They are really moving along and learning.  I don't know that I will get anything extra done today, even though I really want to.  It will probably get pushed into tomorrow after the laundry, dishes, school, and cooking are done for the day.  I want to get into the storage behind the upstairs walls and start going through tubs.  I am in the mood to clean and get rid of stuff.  So I figure I will make 3 piles, a sell pile, keep pile, and trash pile.  Hoping the keep pile is very small because it is usually the other way around. :P  Whatever we don't sell is NOT coming back home this time, but going directly to the thrift store.  Which reminds me, while I have been going through clothing I have been making a list of who needs what.  I sure wish we had a really good thrift store to find kids clothes around here.  But ours really aren't very good.

A question for any of you that have cleaned with vinegar and water.  What do you clean with it and does the vinegar smell last too long?  I don't want to use any real cleaning supplies right now and have opted to go the baking soda or vinegar route.  Even if it does smell, I would rather things smell like salad dressing for a little while than bleach. ;)

Gotta get back to it.


Offline wrancher

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Re: Thursday, April 9
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2015, 01:49:43 PM »
Way to go Lindsay you are really making progress! I clean with vinegar especially my windows and bathrooms. I made some vinegar that you take mason jar and put orange or lemon peels in vinegar. But to be honest it is still sitting there just because I forgot. 

Pam you reminded me I too need to dye my hair. Add that to the never ending list. No wonder we are grey right? I really don't have a ton and it is on my sides so not real noticeable but to me.

Merilee if I had more room to step over things I would.  I just shoved them any where I can then when I clean it out later I am like why did I do that?!

We are getting closer at getting bathroom back together. Waiting for some paint to dry to hang cabinet. Now another issue being the toilet. Ugh

Offline MoWin

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Re: Thursday, April 9
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2015, 05:12:35 PM »
Good evening ladies,
   This has been our 4th day in a row of dreary, drizzly days. We woke up to a thunderstorm, but I don't think we got lots of moisture out of it. Then the wind got up. Oh goodness, you have to hang on to something to keep from blowing away out there. Poor Buddy just went out to do his business. Needless to say, he did not doddle. LOL It blows him around. It is getting black again, so I assume we will get some more rain.
   I know we need rain, but I am ready for some sun. Kevin checked the garden and said our Pontiac potatoes are up. Since they are not as good at keeping as Yukon Gold and Kennebec, we will eat on them this summer and save the others for the cellar. I spotted one asparagus coming up. Some sunshine would really help them.
   I have a grump. Why do all of these stores want you to put in applications  online? That is not the worst of it, though. They also want you to put your SSN and Drivers License numbers online. I just keep thinking of Target. They safe they are safe. So did Target and Home Depot. I have not put any apps in where I have to share my SSN online. I just feel bad about doing that. Just something I have been grumping about.  >:(
   Well, I think I will get back to my knitting. You all have a great evening.
Winona in northwest Missouri
Wife to Kevin
Mom to Carolyn, Cathryn, Isaiah, Hazel, and Jon
Grandma to Ashton, Ava, Noah, Izabella, and Maddison
Furbabies: Aeris, Buddy, and Callie