Author Topic: Tues. Dec. 29  (Read 1398 times)

Offline Alice

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Tues. Dec. 29
« on: December 29, 2015, 05:57:58 AM »
Hello winter! Yes, it has arrived. It was a scary evening last night. We had wind, ice, rain, snow, sleet and we lost power several times but none of them were lengthy. Thankfully.

It is quiet this morning but the  heavy snow is very difficult to drive through. I had my kids help me shovel the driveway last night so hubby could get home but this morning was so heavy that we had to do it again and it was much more difficult. The roads were rough especially at residential intersections where you could easily get stuck.

I'm supposed to be off work M, T, and W but some things came up so I'm working.  Should be fine for the most part.

I have no clue what we're having for dinner so I'll think about that all day. Have a wonderful day everyone!

Married to Henry
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Offline pamgonzo

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Re: Tues. Dec. 29
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2015, 06:33:26 AM »
Good Morning Alice and all who follow!

We made it through the ice storm as well.  We never lost power thankfully.  Glad yours wasn't out for any long periods Alice.  We stayed in once hubby made it home from the Detroit airport.  Our son made it back to SC after a couple of delays for de-icing. I think he got out just before the airport pretty much shut down.  He was so happy to get back to upper 60 degree weather. 

I did get the Christmas tree down and put away.  There are a couple of straggling decorations that I need to round up and put away as well.  Today will be menu planning, thinking about 2016 goals, and some general cleaning. 

Probably won't venture out today either.  Hubby has a dentist appointment, and will stop at the post office to drop a package in the mail of son's things that wouldn't fit in his luggage.  ;D

We are having meatloaf and mashed potatoes for dinner tonight.  I need to get the ground beef out of the freezer to thaw this morning.  Not sure what else is on tap for the day, but I am thinking it will be a pretty mellow day!

Hope everyone has a great and productive day!
Thinking of you Erica.  Hope you are feeling better every day!
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Offline greyhoundgirl

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Re: Tues. Dec. 29
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2015, 07:39:34 AM »
Good morning!

We got back power for about an hour last night, then it went back out again, then back on later.  So were only out for about 22-24 hours total this round.  Much better than 5 days!  Ready to get out of the house today, though, after 4 days mostly at home...hoping roads are good.  I'm thinking the main ones will be okay.  All five kids have dental cleanings and exams this morning, then I need to take Maddy out to where she's volunteering at a retreat this weekend.  Those rural roads may be more iffy.

Having my coffee and am going to set up bills.  Probably get one load of laundry going before we leave.  Dinner, maybe baked steak?  In the mood for beef with gravy.

Happy Tuesday!

Offline Andrea G

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Re: Tues. Dec. 29
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2015, 07:49:32 AM »
Good morning to all!

Pam, good to hear that your son made it back okay. Upper 60's weather sounds so wonderful!

Alice, stay safe out there! Hope your power stays on.

Erica, I hope you are feeling better.

Catherine, glad your power is back on. Hope the roads are good.

Winter has come to us as well. We got about 3 inches of snow overnight and now it has switched to freezing rain. By this afternoon it should be above freezing and just regular rain. We have to run to town and pick up my daughter from her friend's house, so I am praying that the roads will be not too bad by then.

Today will mainly be staying warm by the wood stove, and more cleaning. I really want to put the Christmas stuff away but the kids wanted it to stay until the weekend, so I will wait. We are hosting a family get together on New Year's Eve, so I guess it might be nice to keep the decorations up.

Dinner tonight will be homemade pizza., yum!

Have a wonderful day, everyone. Stay warm and safe!!
Andrea G
Loving life in southern Ontario
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Offline 4kidsmom

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Re: Tues. Dec. 29
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2015, 09:08:55 AM »
Good morning!

Did anyone notice we got to 2 pages yesterday?  It was great to see so many posting!

I'm glad for you who made it through the storms without too much trouble.  I hope the rest of our homemakers are safe!

In spite of  having a good list of things to work on, I had a really hard time getting motivated to do anything yesterday.  I did get started on cleaning up my bedroom and made some good progress there, so that's something, at least.  Oh, and I also got started on my January menu planning.  It's going to be different this time as I am going to be planning meals based on what I have in my freezer, pantry and food storage to use up things.

Today my motivation's come back so on my list is:  house pickup, laundry, ironing, store returns, bank (to deposit checks), write thank yous to the people who helped with various Christmas church activities, check and pay bills, balance checkbook.  Continue working on bedroom and hopefully finish.  Get started on office.  Clean out van and get oil change.

Hope you all have a good day and stay safe and warm!



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Re: Tues. Dec. 29
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2015, 10:40:08 AM »
Good morning, friends!  I am having my coffee that I missed so much yesterday morning.  Hahahaha

My surgery went well yesterday and I am home relaxing. I weird feeling in the gallbladder area is gone (obviously, since it was removed, lolol) and now I just have some pain from the incisions but they are not bad and they will heal soon. I was scheduled for 11:30am but it ended up being 12:30pm.  No big deal.  That was the original planned time but they changed it and then changed it back.  The hospital here was very nice and I was impressed by the staff.  I had not been in a hospital before other than visiting people.  My ACL surgery, many years ago, was done in a surgical center.  In pre-op they gave me a gown (which are usually kinda crappy, lol) but this was was nice and it had a warmer hose that you can attached to it to keep you warm.  I loved it!  Then again, I'm easily amused.  ;D

Today, I am relaxing.  I have a box that needs to be dropped off at UPS.  My son will drive me over there and then he offered to take me to lunch.  What a good kid he is!  Especially since my diet yesterday was cranberry juice, water, tea, an apple and a can of chicken noodle soup. 

I'm not sure what dinner will be yet.  I'll ask the hubs what he feels like having when he calls.

Thank you all for thinking of me.  I appreciate it very much!

Happy Tuesday to you all.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2015, 10:41:34 AM by shedrinkzcoffee »

Offline Alice

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Re: Tues. Dec. 29
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2015, 10:52:11 AM »
But you still have some relaxing to do in order to heal properly! So stay low and and have those men cater to you!

Married to Henry
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Re: Tues. Dec. 29
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2015, 10:57:32 AM »
But you still have some relaxing to do in order to heal properly! So stay low and and have those men cater to you!


I will. (typing as I sit in this chair, thinking about getting another cuppa coffee)  Kinda hoping that the hubs will pick up a pizza or that one will cook dinner tonight.  I am sure it will be either of those. 

The doctor said I can't lift over 30 pounds for 2 weeks.  The hospital said 10 pounds and the post op instructions said 20 pounds.  Wonder which one it is, lolol.  I'm not planning on lifting anything though other then food and drink to me lips  ;)

Offline gaggleofseven

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Re: Tues. Dec. 29
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2015, 11:33:32 AM »
So glad all went well for you, Erica. Take care!

Not sure how much rain we received yesterday, but it was a lot. Many secondary roads and a few primary roads are closed due to flooding. It was snowing fairly heavily this morning, but no accumulation.

Today is cleaning and laundry, trying to get caught up on some un-done tasks.

Stay safe!
There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy!