Author Topic: Monday, April 11, 2016  (Read 971 times)

Offline wrancher

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Monday, April 11, 2016
« on: April 11, 2016, 06:44:25 AM »
Good morning

Offline 4kidsmom

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Re: Monday, April 11, 2016
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2016, 06:53:08 AM »
Good morning!

We had a nice weekend. Nathan had his first soccer game and it was fun to watch him play again.  Jordan had a bunch of friends over for a belated birthday party.  We had good church meetings yesterday.

Today I have laundry to do and I think today will be an organization day.  I want to get my finances organized (pay bills, set up checkbook on my new computer, etc.).  I want to get the van cleaned out and organized for soccer season as well as warm weather.  I want to get the garage cleaned up and organized.  Now that the weather's warmed up, our smaller car will be parked outside so we have enough room for the bikes, lawn mower, the storage box for camp chairs and other warm weather stuff.  I want to work on office organization.  I'm doing some cleaning out and reorganizing in there.

I'm also working on a menu for the month.  I'm excited that we have warm weather and can start grilling!

Have a great day!


Offline wrancher

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Re: Monday, April 11, 2016
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2016, 08:03:43 AM »
I went to post and my ipad died.  Heading out for chores. Have servants going.  While Ashley is at State I want to do some room cleaning and painting. I think I may not get to it but would love to surprise her. I need to bake some today. I didn't get it all done the other day. I will need to pickup kids and run a few errands I have been putting off. I HAVE to do bookwork. ugh Put that off for as long as I can. Better get going I will check in later,


Offline Alice

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Re: Monday, April 11, 2016
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2016, 12:40:53 PM »
I think maybe spring has begun! The wet, icy, snowy, sleety stuff has stopped and we even have some sunshine today. Not sure what the temp is but I heard it was to be 50 degrees today. I haven't been outside my office all day.  The rest of the week will gradually get warmer and maybe 70s by the weekend. I am so ready for some warmth.

I'm back to work after nearly two weeks off to care for hubby and I'm hoping all is well at home with him. I need to get some milk on the way home and hopefully nothing else. It is really tiring being home taking care of someone. I'm exhausted today at work. He doesn't sleep through the night and then neither do I. I even forgot to put on my earrings and watch today since I haven't done that for two weeks.

And then the meal plans...hubby is an eating machine right now. I made 6 loaves of bread last week and we're down to 3 now. Leftovers are eaten very quickly so I have to get on top of this. We had a pork/beef rolled roast yesterday with green beans and mashed potatoes and the college kids took most of that back with them so we're pretty low right now. I will work on that tonight.

Married to Henry
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Offline Rooney

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Re: Monday, April 11, 2016
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2016, 12:50:57 PM »
Hi girls!

The rest of the day's schedule for me:   Finish school.
                                                         "Finish" laundry.
                                                         Figure out dinner.
                                                         Work on picture sorting. (Merilee, I am trying to decide which project life kits to start
                                                         with.  There are so many.  I am not using the app or anything.  Any suggestions?)
                                                         clean bathrooms

I started a reward chart system for the kids.  I have done them before and they never worked.  This time it IS WORKING (for now) and is saving me hours of picking up time every day.  I simplified it to setting a timer for 30 minutes in the morning and they each have there own cleaning zone and another 30 minute one before bed.  After a day or so of it, only a 20 minute timer was needed.  They get a check for each session and on Sunday afternoon they each get some sort of a treat (different and a surprise each week).  So far, so good. ;)  I just need to keep the treats interesting and different every week to keep them going.
I will be happy with just that much today.  It is a rainy, dreary day here.  Hubby has planned to come home and put that part on his truck that broke because the replacement came in today.  I think his plans may change with this weather.

Gotta get back at it.
