Author Topic: Wednesday, Aug. 9, 2017  (Read 1032 times)

Offline pamgonzo

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Wednesday, Aug. 9, 2017
« on: August 09, 2017, 05:53:49 AM »
Good Morning All!!

 :) :D :)
Living in West Michigan and loving life!
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At home Mom to 3 grown sons ages 29, 25, 22 and  daughter in love aged 25

Offline pamgonzo

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Re: Wednesday, Aug. 9, 2017
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2017, 06:03:57 AM »
Good Morning Ladies!

Hope to hear about what you have on your docket for the day.  Check in and tell us how you are doing!!

I have another blah kind of day.  On my way to weight watchers in a bit.  Will most likely have to pay this week, but am getting close to being back to where I need to be.  It seems to be a constant struggle.  It's only a swing of a couple of pounds, but sometimes getting that last one off when your body is going through changes, is harder than losing 10 or 20 when you have a significant amount to lose.  I will keep up the fight, though.   8)

After the meeting I will walk with my friend and then grab lunch with her.  After that, not sure what I will do.  I could use a few items of produce.  Maybe I will run to Fresh Thyme Market and see what they have going on.  They double up on the sale ads on Wednesdays, so you can get everything from last weeks sale ad as well as everything in the coming week's sale ad for those prices.  I will see if there is anything in those that jump out at me, and maybe hit that up. 

Other than that, I am clear to do whatever.

My bathrooms could use a once over, so that will get done later as well.  It seems my motivation level is kind of low, so I need to kick myself in the behind and get some things done!

Hope everyone has a great day!!  Would love to hear from you all!!

Living in West Michigan and loving life!
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Offline Alice

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Re: Wednesday, Aug. 9, 2017
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2017, 10:11:49 AM »
Hi Pam and all who follow!

Nothing on my list that is major today. I came home to a pretty quiet house last night. There were no piles of dishes and it was calm with only one kid home. I grilled my pork chops and they were so good. We just had applesauce and scalloped potatoes with that. Easy.

Tonight my oldest daughter is having two friends over as a final good-bye and they were going to make dinner BUT they want to have spaghetti so they asked if I could make it when I get home. That is easy enough for me to do so I said YES. I'll make some garlic bread with some hotdog buns I want to use up from the freezer and if I need more, I have some homemade Italian bread we can use. I love spaghetti and I make my own sauce but that doesn't take long at all. I'll need a super big batch to feed 8 people and we want some leftovers for tomorrow's lunch for a couple of people.

We're back at working through the freezer. Not sure why I keep saying that because I have filled it up to the brim with veggies from Dad's garden. I have a lot of chicken from some super good sales this summer. The purpose is to fill it up with cheap food but then I keep saying we have to work through the freezer food. I should find a new way of explaining this!

Well, that's my day.

Married to Henry
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Offline Rooney

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Re: Wednesday, Aug. 9, 2017
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2017, 12:38:14 PM »
Hi girls. :)

Not much going on here as every single person in our home has what I am guessing to be the flu......again. :P  I haven't slept in like 5 nights. The first three from being up taking care of kids and the last two from being so sick myself.  It is funny, the older boys and I were saying we hated being sick for the same reason, that it interrupts our weightlifting workouts! HA!  What a reason to hate being sick, right? lol   Also because we had been riding horses most every night and sickness has gotten in the way of that as well. :P 

Guess I will take advantage of "down time" and get the new curriculums figured out and ready to order next week.  I like the new books, but definitely not the price of them every year.  Also need to get a grocery list together so hubby can swing by after work because we are out of most everything.  We have been all going on errands lately, but no one will feel like it tonight.   So the kids lunch is some baked fries and watermelon and cantelope. Weird combo. Ha!

Need to at least get the laundry done and wipe down the kitchen.  If I don't feel too bad, early this evening I may try to get out with the horses just to get out in the fresh air.  Am making a lot of progress with one of them, so don't want him to get used to not being worked with.  He is a beautiful 16 hand tall palamino.  Gorgeous, actually.  I might try to post a picture of him later this week, if I can find my camera charger.  Things like chargers have legs and walk off you know! :D

Have a good day!

PS.-Does anyone hear from our other friends on here such as Janice, Cathy, Cathie, Mandy and more?  I have been absent as of late, but looks like others have been as well.  Miss them, don't you girls?


Offline pamgonzo

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Re: Wednesday, Aug. 9, 2017
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2017, 02:25:46 PM »
Enjoy your spaghetti dinner Alice!

Great to see you Lindsay!  I hope you all get over the sickness at your house quickly!  It sure is inconvenient, isn't it?! 

I do miss others who used to pop in daily!  So glad you decided to stop in and post!!  -- By the way, the kids lunch sounds like something I would have and would LOVE!!  Add a few cucumbers to that combo, and I am all IN!!   ;) :D :)

Have a great evening all!! 
Living in West Michigan and loving life!
Wife of 32 years
At home Mom to 3 grown sons ages 29, 25, 22 and  daughter in love aged 25