Author Topic: February 7, 2018  (Read 1189 times)

Offline Rooney

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February 7, 2018
« on: February 07, 2018, 07:57:11 AM »
Good Morning.

Wow!  That was a long, worrisome night!  Will post more about that in the other thread as I find out more later today.  I had forgotten today was my birthday until my mother reminded me last night.  Yep!  This ranks as the crummiest one so far....FOR SURE! :P  We also had a mini ice storm last night, so I guess one good thing is the power hasn't gone out....YET.  Hoping no limbs fall over onto the power lines today to cause a problem.  We have generators if it does.  Today will be as normal of a day as it can be with what is going on.   At least we made a big grocery haul on Saturday so all the fridges and freezers are still mostly stocked. 

Alice, praying for your brother in these day ahead.


Offline pamgonzo

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Re: February 7, 2018
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2018, 10:09:35 AM »
Lindsay, hope things start to look up for you today! Get some rest if you possibly can.

My day is not the usual for me. My usual is weight watchers, walk and lunch with my friend.  She has some repairmen at her house, so she had said she wouldn't make the meeting.  Usually I would go to the meeting anyway.  I have been struggling to get back to my goal weight so I don't have to pay.  I was about 3-4 pounds away. This morning I weighed at home, and am only about a pound and a half away.  I think if I am super careful, I could be where I need to be by weeks end. Since I can only weigh in once a week officially, I will wait to see how close I am Friday or Saturday morning.  Will keep on it and may weigh in early week next week if I am where I need to be.

This afternoon I have a haircut appointment.  I am in desperate need!  Might run to grab groceries after that.  Will see if I feel like it.  I can always do that tomorrow. 

Tonight we are going to a show.  Dublin Irish Dance.  I am looking forward to it.  We will have dinner here before we go.  Last night's white chicken chili.  I didn't realize that hubs wasn't going to be home until 9:00 last night.  I don't mind having it again, so we will just have a repeat.  Maybe I will make some cornbread to go with it. 

It is really cold again.  Possibly more snow in the next few days.  I think it is all of 11 degrees right now.  Winter is SO long!

Hope you ladies are having a great day!!  Would love to hear about it!
Living in West Michigan and loving life!
Wife of 32 years
At home Mom to 3 grown sons ages 29, 25, 22 and  daughter in love aged 25

Offline Alice

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Re: February 7, 2018
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2018, 10:19:50 AM »
Thanks, Lindsay, and I'm praying for you and your hubby. I'll wait for your update.

Visitation and funeral are for Friday and Saturday so there's not a whole lot going on until then.

I'm just working all the days until Friday. I went to an audiologist this morning. My hearing has been getting worse but it's not surprise since my mom and all my brothers having hearing aids. I've been putting it off to get my kids through school first. Hearing tests and hearing aids are typically not a covered item on health insurance and ours is no different. But the cost of hearing aids just makes a person put it off forever. The dr. said it would help tremendously if I would get them.

Not much else going on in my little world. Making dinners is a big problem right now. I'm just not hungry for anything I make. I just want to snap my fingers and have something delicious appear! I bet we all could want that right about now. I've got some boneless pork thawing but I have no idea what I want to make from it.

The weather...a little snow, then a break, then more snow. I'm not loving it but it is winter, and it is February, and I live in Michigan so I guess I better be the one to acclimate, right?

Married to Henry
Mom to 3 kids
2 cats