Author Topic: Friday, January 3,2014  (Read 1361 times)

Offline wrancher

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Friday, January 3,2014
« on: January 03, 2014, 07:29:47 AM »
Good Morning

Offline wrancher

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Re: Friday, January 3,2014
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2014, 07:39:50 AM »
Well just when I thought I had  the weekend off on basketball practice , they send a 4th grade schedule out. So today at 11:30. It is hard to get gym times especially for the traveling team. So I will continue bookwork. I don't seem to get much quality time as I am constantly interrupted. I need to make some lunch before I leave and can the ham and beans.  I haven't even started the dishwasher or washing machine yet. As soon as I get up from here to get more coffee I will get going. I need to find my software to put on laptop so I can work on it while DD is at practice. Today is the only day in the forecast for  a warm day. I hope they are right!

Have a great day


Offline bobbie78

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Re: Friday, January 3,2014
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2014, 07:54:09 AM »
Hi Janice and all who follow! It's a bitter 2 degrees in southern ohio this morning. BRRRR. We got 6 inches of snow last night. I'm so ready for spring.

Today I need to sweep and mop the kitchen, vacuum living room and hallway. For dinner we were supposed to have bbq ribs and taters but we switched it. We have leftover pulled pork. So I am going to make pulled pork nachos supreme and twice baked potatoes. Tonight is the Ohio state bowl game.

Mother in law has a drs appt today at 3. Chad will drive her and he has to pick up my curtains I ordered for the living room. I'll be home all day thank the Lord. I also have a few loads of laundry. Even though its just me and Chad, we constantly have laundry!  Oh well, guess I'm just thankful to have clothes and towels and a washing machine!

I pulled a muscle in my upper leg a week before Christmas and it still has not healed. I have heated it and iced it alternately and taken the recommended ibuprofen. Still no relief. Its a battle to sleep. I go to the doctor on Monday. I'm hoping she can help me somehow.

When going thru our budget late last month (for January) it looked kind of bleak. But, we had some unexpected help come in. I was truly blessed as our freezer and kitchen was almost bare. Well, I was able to grocery shop this week and pretty much stock the place. I feel so good about a full pantry and freezer. I have a full menu now for January and some into February as well. GOD is in control!

You ladies have a wonderful Friday and if your in the coldness, stay warm!
~Bobbie from southern Ohio. Living life with my partner, Chad and two furbabies Punkin and Jade.

Offline greyhoundgirl

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Re: Friday, January 3,2014
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2014, 09:03:29 AM »
Good morning!

Slept in a bit.  My family went to a friend's house to watch the OU/Alabama game---sounds like it was intense!  We have friends from Alabama (military) who just moved to Italy and they got up at 2:30 AM to watch over there.  I think they expected Alabama to win, lol.  Anyway, they all got home about 11:30 so even the kids slept in today.  I made chocolate chip cream scones for breakfast.

Just remembered last night/early this morning that I had not ordered or bought anything for Micah's b-day.  So I got online just now and got that done.  His b-day is Tuesday so coming up quickly!  He is wanting a volcano cake so I'll see what I can come up with.  Morgan also needed a sketch pad for her drawing class starting the 13th, so I added that to the order.  Maddy has enough extra drawing pencils and erasers to set her up to get started which is helpful since I'm kind of broke for the next few weeks.

It's a beautiful morning here.  Today and tomorrow are supposed to reach the 50's, then we'll have another cold front come through Saturday night and cool down again.

On the agenda for today?  Laundry!  Haven't done much of that the past couple of days so need to do at least 2 loads of clothing today plus I think the girls need to wash their sheets.  I also need to gather up our books and plan out our spring schoolwork.  The older girls' Sonlight comes with a schedule, of course, but I need to plan a schedule for their extras and also work out a plan for the younger three.  Though Max is a bit young for "real" schoolwork, he is very bright and needs to be occupied for part of the day so he doesn't busy himself making his own "fun".

Dinner tonight--thinking I will thaw some steaks and make baked sweet potatoes to accompany.  Maybe roast some Brussels sprouts.

Janice-hope you can get your work done okay.

Bobbie, stay warm!  Hope your muscle will heal up or you can get some answers...glad you were able to stock the kitchen!  I know that is a relief.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

Offline fishermanwife

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Re: Friday, January 3,2014
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2014, 11:28:55 AM »
Good Afternoon Everyone!

Lots of the same today Dr appts, laundry, cleaning and cooking fish and rice for dinner nothing too exciting.

Have a great day!
Norma in Southeast Oklahoma. Wife to Steven, mommy to Abby 16, Keagan 14, Trenten 10, Ollie 7.