Author Topic: Monday, April 13, 2015  (Read 874 times)

Offline greyhoundgirl

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Monday, April 13, 2015
« on: April 13, 2015, 01:38:05 AM »
Good morning!

Not really, quite yet.  ;)  It's only 2:30 in the morning but I thought I'd stop by to say "hi" as I haven't gotten to post much lately.  We have storms moving in, and living here, are always checking to be sure what's happening and if we need to go to the storm shelter or not.  Plus, about the time I got out of bed to get the computer, here came a certain little boy saying, "Daddy, I'm having a nightmare."  Not sure if he really does or has just picked up that term somewhere.  Anyway, he has joined the collie and two to three cats on our bed (one left, may be back, but two are still by me)

Working tonight, 4-8, afternoon hours the next two days, then am OFF Thursday and Friday, and working all day Saturday.  If you think of it, pray for courage for me as I am planning to put in my notice this week.  I like the job okay, just am feeling it is wrong for me right now.  It has also exacerbated the hip pain (due to so much standing) and my chiro is suggesting further testing from my primary care provider.

Hope to accomplish some things around the house today after I drop off the kids.  We mostly worked outside this weekend:  cleaning out the shed, mowing and edging, Earl building a new bunny tractor, planting loads of summer bulbs and seeds, and so on, knowing the next week is filled with rain chances.  Making spaghetti for my family to eat while I'm at work this evening.

Have a great day, everyone!


Offline wrancher

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Re: Monday, April 13, 2015
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2015, 06:05:39 AM »
Good morning Catherine and all

Today is just the normal day at the farm/ranch.  I will do the chores while Ross keeps planting oats.  1st thing is we will go out and get him started farming which will involve 3 different trips out to tractor.  Seed, fertilizer and not sure why 1 more.  That will take me till about 1pm with my chores Then the usual house cleaning, bill paying.  I need to go in and talk to a teacher after school that is giving us some problems.  Not fun.  I so appreciate the good teachers.  I need to get back to my list making to keep me on track off all I need to get done today.  Good news. We are done calving heifers which was when we would get up in middle of night and check them. So glad that is over.  We did have to get a new tractor ugh. We knew we were going to be needing one but ugh.  I went and got our old renters boys and had them come out yesterday and do chores with me.  They are really good boys who wonder how all this bull cow thing works and how the calf gets in there. Ugh I told their parents the rest is up to them.  They loved the bunnies, chicks ( not the rooster or chickens). And calves. 

Offline pamgonzo

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Re: Monday, April 13, 2015
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2015, 08:47:45 AM »
Good Morning Ladies!

It started out as another rainy and gloomy day here.  The rain seems to have stopped now, and I am hoping it clears up later.  I would like to get out and take a walk later this afternoon or evening.  I really need to get back to walking on a daily basis. 

My day looks like a laundry day.  I have not been very on top of it lately, so I need to really get it going.  With just the two of us here, I can kind of ignore it for a while with not too many consequences.  Now I just feel like I need to get it back in order.

I also need to menu plan for the week.  I usually do that on Sunday nights, but we went to visit my parents for the day yesterday, so it was put off until today. 

I have some paperwork that I need to get out into the mail today.  I will work on that shortly.

The dishwasher is running, and I need to get running myself!
Hope everyone has a productive day!  (me included!!  ;) )



Living in West Michigan and loving life!
Wife of 32 years
At home Mom to 3 grown sons ages 29, 25, 22 and  daughter in love aged 25

Offline Rooney

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Re: Monday, April 13, 2015
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2015, 11:01:22 AM »
Hi girls. :)

We had such a beautiful weekend here!  70's and sunny, so we took advantage of it.  Sunday was especially nice out. Let's see......what did we do this weekend?  Well, Saturday morning hubby had to go deal with rental house issues, so I just tried to get all the laundry and ironing out of the way.  While I did that the oldest 6 played outside in the pretty weather.  Saturday afternoon, we mowed and got some small home maintenance stuff done.  Saturday night we went to the next city over to run some errands, like getting mower tires for the business mower and picking up some groceries to tide us over until next week.  Every time we go to the bigger city, I remember why I don't like it, especially on Saturday night.  Too crowded. :P When we got home, the oldest kids watched the Ice Age trilogy and hubby and I finally got to watch God's Not Dead because it was streaming on Netflix.  Wow!  What a good movie!  If you haven't seen it yet, I would definitely recommend it.  We are always seeing movies years they come out, in fact we just saw Fireproof several months ago.  Also a great movie.  Sunday hubby went to finish some errands it got too late for Saturday night and my oldest and I started tackling cleaning out the clothing storage upstairs.  I am proud of myself.  I got rid of so much!  In about 3 hours I got 2 big tubs of stuff tagged to sell and 11 bags of stuff given or thrown away.  Our house has so much storage space, and you would think that would be a good thing, but really it just makes it where you don't have to get rid of stuff.   Hubby worked on the Maytag washer because it was showing the F24 code.  It's warranty just ran out last month, so we were really afraid that he wouldn't be able to fix it and it would mean buying a new one.  But no, Super-Steve was able to fix it yet again! :)  So grateful, because we already know we have to get a new weed eater and possibly a new mower later in the mowing season if the business one goes down (and it doesn't have far to go). :P

As for today, school is being done, laundry is half-way done, and I have a few extra things I want to get done.  We have a linen closet next to our bathroom that I hadn't really ever used, actually forgot it was even there.  I plan to wipe down the shelving in it and order some decorative baskets to hold toiletries and such to put in there.  Also want to get the medicine cabinet cleaned out.  I have to get my Azure order for this month finalized as well.  Tomorrow is cut-off for that.  Well, just about time to fix kiddos lunch.

Catherine, so glad to hear from you again! :)  So sorry you are having trouble with hip pain again.

Janice and Pam, have a good day!

Gotta get back to it.