Author Topic: Friday, May 22, 2015  (Read 888 times)

Offline wrancher

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Friday, May 22, 2015
« on: May 22, 2015, 07:44:42 AM »
Good morning

Offline wrancher

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Re: Friday, May 22, 2015
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2015, 08:16:15 AM »
Another gorgeous day.  This morning we are headed over to neighbors to dock the lambs as they weren't ready yesterday. Then back to put out Bulls and then head to neighbors at 1. They are just about finished with morning chores here. Ashley is headed to Eric church concert with fer friend and her mom and friend. They are shopping and getting nails done. I told Ashley maybe she should have a pedicure. It might last longer with our lifestyle.  They are staying over. Should be fun for her.  As you can tell I amnit the mani, pedi person. My lifestyle just doesn't fit.  I am gonna head out here and plant some strawberries that a friend gave me. Pull a few weeds, ugh. I would like to spray weeds today too.  I got labels put on new bolt bin last night but I am not sure how ross wants to set it up. If he wants it screwed to wall or just set on floor? I would like to get that done for some organization around here. Headed down to chickens 1st thing and do a little cleaning up.  I need to get a weed eater ready for neighbors but they haven't mowed yet so should get interesting.  Megan got called back for 2nd or 3rd interview can't keep up on bank teller.  She is hoping she gets the job.  She has been hired for 2 different selling jobs 1 was insurance but then she changes her mind.  She is also doing summer classes and fencing right now.  I hope she gets bank job.  She would have more time for studying and the benefits are great.  She would work this job during school year to not as just a temp job as other jobs were.  She  might swing by on her way to river to see her friend this weekend and leave off her dirty laundry.

Offline pamgonzo

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Re: Friday, May 22, 2015
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2015, 10:31:52 AM »
Good afternoon all!

I totally overslept this morning, so I was rushed to get ready for my chiropractor appt.  I pulled myself together and made it on time, so yay me!

After I ran to the dollar store to pick up a wedding card and couple to goodies to send off to my oldest son in SC.  I had bought him a movie, and wanted to get some movie snacks to go with for fun.  Not sure how often I will do that though.  It was 1 pound and cost $10 to mail. YIKES!!!  I think I will just start to order things online and have send direct to him instead.  Much less in shipping!

I will go to my friends wedding reception tonight.  Hubby is still on the road, so I will be on my own, but I will know plenty of people there, so that will be fine.  It is a second marriage for both, so they are doing the wedding privately with just family, and then having a reception to celebrate.  I am happy for them.   It should be a nice night for it.

Really not sure what I will get done today.  I am still dragging my feet on getting the bathroom redone, so maybe I will get in there and do some more prep work. (Maybe.......maybe - probably - not!!)  I need to get some kind of motivation with that doggone project!!

I also should get out and get a walk in.  I need to get back into a routine with that.  At least if I plan on eating ice cream this summer.  And believe you me, I DO plan on that!!!

Hope everyone has a great day.  Enjoy the long weekend.
Living in West Michigan and loving life!
Wife of 32 years
At home Mom to 3 grown sons ages 29, 25, 22 and  daughter in love aged 25