Author Topic: Wed., April 13  (Read 792 times)

Offline Alice

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Wed., April 13
« on: April 13, 2016, 07:00:42 AM »
Good Morning,

I think we're heading more towards "normal" around our house. I tried to sleep last night and almost fell off the bed. After checking out what was going on, I realized the cat had invaded MY space and was sleeping by my feet and was sprawled out so my feet had nowhere to go. Hubby had a good part of the bed and the cat the other part so I moved to my daughter's empty bed (she's away at college). I didn't sleep much but at least I got to stretch out a bit. At least hubby slept a good part of the night after not sleeping due to recovery.

The rain has moved out and we had a rather nice day yesterday. Still a bit cool and breezy and today will still be a cool one but at least it's a bit brighter outside. We're heading into some nice weather later this week and into the weekend and I'm so looking forward to it.

I've had to start cooking our meals again this week making sure there are leftovers for hubby's lunch. Last night MIL brought pizza so that was a nice surprise. I need to do some simple things since I've been so busy taking care of hubby and now going back to work, I'm just exhausted. I've resorted to a few boxed items which I am so against but I feel like I need that right now to get a head start on meals. We had 4 roasted chicken thighs on Monday with a package of Mexican rice. But at the last minute I decided this meal would be better as soft tacos so the meat was cut off the bone and mixed with rice, salsa, lettuce, cheese and greek yogurt inside a soft tortilla. It actually gave us more leftovers for Tuesdays lunches. Last night was pizza and there is enough for two people for lunch and I'm having a big salad. Today will be a hamburger helper type dish maybe lasagna or cheeseburger casserole maybe with a small salad.

A small goal we set for hubby yesterday was to walk to the mailbox to get the mail. I walked with him then we went out to the backyard and sat on the bench for a while soaking in the sun. A small goal but he did it. He puts dishes away as much as he can without too much reaching or bending. He might be able to put a casserole in the oven this week. He wipes down counters and we count all these things as goals and it makes him feel useful.

Married to Henry
Mom to 3 kids
2 cats

Offline 4kidsmom

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Re: Wed., April 13
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2016, 08:45:07 AM »
Good morning!

Rain is predicted for today.  I hope it comes.  Each day we have rain is another day we can postpone turning on our sprinkler system. :)

I didn't get much done yesterday.  Just wasn't feeling it.  So today I want to work on the bathroom.  The bathroom closet needs to be reorganized.  I also need to figure out how to fix the bottom of my bathroom vanity.  The wood is all rotted and crumbling.

I want to finish taxes today.

I've also got some cooking/baking to do.

The twins come today, then later this afternoon is football and Christie has a choir festival.  Then tonight is youth activities.

We ended up having sandwiches for dinner last night so tonight's dinner will be what was planned for last night--chili lime chicken, lime cilantro rice, southwestern salad, mexican rice.

Have a great day!
