Author Topic: Tuesday, August 15, 2017  (Read 1343 times)

Offline 4kidsmom

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Tuesday, August 15, 2017
« on: August 15, 2017, 06:44:40 AM »
Good morning!

Offline 4kidsmom

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Re: Tuesday, August 15, 2017
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2017, 06:54:28 AM »
Good morning!

First day of training went well.  We're learning the Mandt system, which is a way of "preventing, de-escalating, and if necessary, intervening when the behavior of an individual poses a threat of harm to themselves and/or others."  The Deaf school where I will be working has some children who have other disabilities besides being Deaf.  There are also many students who cannot communicate with their families and the frustration of being unable to communicate what they want/need can sometimes boil over.  So the training will help us deal with the situations while still keeping everyone and everything safe.  Quite interesting.

After the training, I went to pick up Christie from work and Alex and Nathan from the friend who was watching them.  We came home, dropped off Christie then went over to the elementary school for Back to School night.  That pretty much ate up my evening. 

I expect much the same today--training all day, then Alex has Scouts and I promised Christie I would take her to do some college shopping. She needs some clothes.  So I don't expect to accomplish very much today. :)

I have an urgent question for those of you who know houses or your husbands work in construction or you know someone in construction.  I live in a split level house.  In the basement, right in front of the stairs is a wet spot.  It appeared on Saturday night, I think.  At first I thought it was because my boys had been playing outside with water shooters and had come into the house wet (their bedroom is just to the left of the wet spot).  But by yesterday morning it looked and felt like someone had just poured a cup of water on the carpet.  I put down a towel and blotted up as much as I could, then put down a dry towel before I left.  When I got home yesterday evening, the towel was completely wet.  Not soaking wet, but more than damp.  I checked the under-stairs storage room where the main water shutoff is--it's dry.  I checked the furnace--dry.  I checked the bathroom--dry.  I cannot see any signs of a leak anywhere--no water spots on the ceiling (though I don't know why water would be dripping from the ceiling--this spot is not under the kitchen sink or bathroom), no wet baseboards or drywall, etc.  It's almost like the water is seeping up from the concrete floor.

I put down another towel last night and this morning it's less damp, but it's not dry so water is still coming from somewhere.  Any ideas of what could be happening?  And how do we fix it?  It appears to be just that one spot so at least it seems we're not dealing with spreading water.

We did have some torrential rain recently so I'm wondering if that had anything to do with anything?

Thanks for any advice/help.


Offline Alice

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Re: Tuesday, August 15, 2017
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2017, 07:15:31 AM »

Water is very difficult to find. I will tell you of a situation we had years ago. We had a tri-level house and during a torrential rain, water would pour into the basement and there would be a flood. I needed a shop vac to suck it up. We thought it came from the side of the house where the water was coming in. We had a construction guy dig outside but found no leak. They all thought I was nuts and I was having panic attacks because the basement would always flood during a storm. A tri-level has an upstairs, a main level, a ground level and then the basement. These levels are offset so the upper level and the ground level are stacked on top of each other and the main level and the basement are stacked on top of each other. What was happening is that the ground level on the North side of the house had a mole tunnel right along side and underneath the house and rain water would come pouring in that hole and used the mole tunnel under the ground floor level of the house and then it had to go somewhere so it seeped in right where the heating ducts were and spilled into the basement. We had to excavate around and under the house on that side (ground level) and they checked the footings (which were fine) and then poured cement in there to close the mole tunnels and that fixed the water coming in.

I'm guessing you have a spot somewhere on the outside of the house that has allowed water to seep thus creating a bigger tunnel and now is seeping because it has no where to go but through the foundation. I hope I'm wrong. But I would check all around the outside of your house for low spots that water is settling or gushing into the hole.

Other than that, our day is going well. I have noticed it stays dark a bit longer in the morning. It's not even light anymore when I get up.

Last night when I came home I thought we were going to have leftovers but there were none. So I scrambled around looking for something and ended up baking some chicken legs and had rice as a side dish. There were no leftovers from that so tonight I have to think of something again.

But we did walk 4.6 miles which is quite a lot but the weather was really nice. We talk while we walk and we plan and we discuss kids so the time does go by quickly.

That's my day. How is your day coming along?

Married to Henry
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Offline pamgonzo

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Re: Tuesday, August 15, 2017
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2017, 10:45:56 AM »
Good Afternoon Ladies!

I needed to go to the grocery store yesterday, but wasn't feeling motivated, so I forced myself to go this morning.  It was kind of a big shop.  There were a lot of things that we regularly use, so I did a little stocking up.  I also had a few impulse buys.  ::)  I wasn't really thinking, and when I got home I was like "oh yeah, I was going to stick to a budget this month - uh-oh!"  I'm not over budget yet, but we will see if I can make it for August! 

That is quite a walk Alice!  It was really nice out yesterday.  It was getting quite warm when I was loading groceries into the car.  I did go walk last night as well.  I am trying to be more committed to it.  It is more of a challenge when hubs isn't around.  It is much easier to walk with someone else.  Time and distance go much faster.  Otherwise, I kind of get bored even listening to music.  Maybe I should try listening to a book on tape or something.  I lasted almost 3 miles last night. 

Hope you find the source of your mystery water Merilee.  I have no experience or idea, but it sounds like maybe Alice has given you an idea of something to look for.  Glad your training is interesting for you.  Nothing worse than boring meetings that make you feel like you should be, or could be doing something more productive!

Hope everyone has a great rest of your day! 
Dinner for me tonight is on my own, so not sure what I will do.  Probably a salad, and I did pick up a couple ears of corn, so maybe I will cook up one of those too.

Would love to hear from all of you ladies!
Living in West Michigan and loving life!
Wife of 32 years
At home Mom to 3 grown sons ages 29, 25, 22 and  daughter in love aged 25

Offline Rooney

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Re: Tuesday, August 15, 2017
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2017, 11:52:00 AM »
Merilee- when my husband called today, I asked him about your issue.  He isn't a construction guy, though I guess he kinda is because he does all work on our house and on most all of our rentals.  ;)  He said in his opinion it sounds like a failing sump pump issue.  When those get clogged, the water finds any cracks in the concrete floor to rise up through.  If you don't have a sump pump, it is still most likely overage of water (like Alice mentioned) looking for a way up through even a small crack.  Are your steps next to a wall or in the middle of the room?  It would be a lot easier for water to get in if your steps are along the walls.  Either way, you will probably need to pull up the carpet to look for a crack in the concrete.  If there is one, you will of course need to have that repaired and if a sump pump is involved, that could be a major issue to fix.  Like Alice said, I hope it is an easy fix, but it really may not be, unfortunately.  Just make sure you get someone known for doing a good job for this kind of work because it involves the foundation of your home.

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Re: Tuesday, August 15, 2017
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2017, 02:53:31 PM »
Well, today has been an organizational day for us.  We are going through school books and folders and totes.  We have been going through an area of our home that we call "Shoe City"(say that five times real fast :D) where shoes get thrown and stored.  We found all matches and now I need to find laces for way too many shoes without them!  I have also been working on the curriculum list hoping to have it finalized and ready to order next week sometime.

Will try to fit in 45 minutes or so on my recumbent bike, but don't know since I plan to be out with the horses later. I worked out really hard with a leg workout yesterday.  Yesterday evening was a bust with working with the horses.  Hubby walked all the way to one of the back fields to get them (they are usually right behind our home at that time of day).  Anyway I got them saddled up and was riding for all of 5 minutes when the mosquito spraying truck came by. :P :P  We had to hurry as fast as we could and unsaddle and get everyone and everything indoors.  You do not want to be outside when the truck comes by.  Can't tell you how many times that has ruined our outdoor plans1 >:(  I wish they would at least have a schedule so you would know when to expect it, but it is very random.  Anyway, at least I know tonight won't be that way. Noticed yesterday that the  horseflies are AWFUL this year.  The horses are constantly fighting then with their tails, or their teeth, or rolling in the dirt.  I may try and find a homemade spray to help them with that.

Supper tonight will be what the kids call Momma's Special Spaghetti. :)  It is a favorite at our house.  The sauce is roasted red pepper and tomato soup with diced fresh red and green peppers and butternut squash and shredded chicken breast.  Tonight it will be over rice though because the kids had a pasta dish for lunch. 

Hope you are all having a nice day.
