Author Topic: Thursday, July 19, 2018  (Read 1840 times)

Offline pamgonzo

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Thursday, July 19, 2018
« on: July 19, 2018, 09:33:24 AM »
Hello Long Lost Friends!!

 :)   ;)   :)
Living in West Michigan and loving life!
Wife of 32 years
At home Mom to 3 grown sons ages 29, 25, 22 and  daughter in love aged 25

Offline pamgonzo

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Re: Thursday, July 19, 2018
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2018, 10:03:18 AM »
Hello Ladies!

Hope all are well.  Things have been crazy busy in my world. 

This past weekend was our up north trip with my parents.  It was stressful, but I managed.  Hubby was my savior as he said and did all the things that needed to be said and done that would have put me over the edge.  My mom likes to make everything about herself, and it is overly nerve wracking!
Anyhow, we survived, and I am happy to be back home. 

I did mess up my back somehow on the trip.  Was having a sharp pain in my rib cage.  Got into the chiropractor yesterday, and he thought I may have slipped a disc.  He gave me a treatment, and it is so much better.  Still sore, but now I think that might be from the treatment itself.  Hoping I won't have to go back next week.  Will keep stretching and going easy for now.

We are down to one car for the weekend.  Son and his fiancee have gone to a huge weekend country music festival, and wanted to borrow the van.  It is easier for them to have the extra space.  So, I am home with no car.  Hubs is at work, and then going to a concert tonight with a buddy and staying at his place tonight.  No big deal for me.  I am happy to be home.  Alone.  Where it's quiet! 

So, chillin' for me today.  I made a barley grilled chicken salad Tues. for dinner, so I will eat on those leftovers for dinner. 

We are going to the Joe Jackson concert tomorrow night, and then I think we actually have Saturday with NO plans!!  Hoping we can catch up on a few chores around the house.  It's looking to rain which we really need, but we also really need to mow the lawn, and I'm hoping the festival doesn't end up in a mud pit for the kids.

Will see youngest son Monday.  First time for most of the summer other than the two ballgames we went to.  Of course that was just a hey, how you doing, and a quick hug.  He has a neurologist appt. Tues., so we will celebrate his birthday Monday with dinner, and then he will go to his appt. and head right back to the ball field.  It will be nice to get a chance to catch up with him.
So, I need to make a plan for dinner that night.  Also need to figure out a gift. 

Hope all of you are having a wonderful day and a fun filled summer!
Would love to hear all about it!

Living in West Michigan and loving life!
Wife of 32 years
At home Mom to 3 grown sons ages 29, 25, 22 and  daughter in love aged 25

Offline Rooney

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Re: Thursday, July 19, 2018
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2018, 11:47:04 AM »
Hi Pam!  So good to hear from you :)  I was starting to fear I had entered to twilight zone. ;)

Sounds like you have been unbelievably busy.  We have been busy too, but I guess ours is just a different kind.

The rest of today for me is just to finish cleaning up on the yard, finish some laundry (my 2nd dryer went down and is being repaired tomorrow), get in my arm workout and maybe a little cardio too (if the kids allow it), finish cleaning up on the gym, and maybe organize on my closet.  Finishing up on the last of all maintenance and organization before starting school up for the year.  Feels good to start the school year that way. :)  Other than that, picking up birthday gifts for oldest son whose b-day is tomorrow, but hubby may end up doing that on his way home from work, since he already knows what to get.  Also might have a friend coming over to visit later. 

Trying to decide whether or not to place a Walmart pickup order or not (never done it).  We had a disagreement with employees at Aldi this week that just made me feel like I don't so much like that store anymore.  Because we buy so much at once, we have to put the items into the empty boxes they have,to make it all fit in the van.  They said we now have to put it on the belt out of the boxes because it slows down the checkout person.  This makes absolutely no sense at all, because now we are slowing up the line by having to reload it all into the boxes again.  You would think since we bu the equivalent of the next 5 or more people in line, they could afford a few extra minutes to the checkout process.  Well, this aggravated hubby, so after we loaded everything into the van, he went back in to express his displeasure with the manager. :P  He was telling him how much we spend in that store every month and he didn't appreciate this treatment and they agreed on a compromise (but to me what they agreed on won't work anyway).  Anyway, I just feel like we should start going somewhere else and walmart would be the other choice. Have any of your used the pickup option before?

The curriculums are starting to arrive.  Just got the first box today.  Can't wait to go through it.  First, though need to cram in my workout and move on with our day.

Enjoy your down-time, Pam. :)

« Last Edit: July 19, 2018, 02:59:03 PM by Rooney »

Offline pamgonzo

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Re: Thursday, July 19, 2018
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2018, 04:05:43 PM »
Hope you figure out something that works for you for groceries.  We have to put every item on the belt separately.  It has never affected me, but I have seen others have to do that with multiple items of the same thing.  I have done pick up orders from Walmart but never for groceries.  Just for things like a full length mirror once, and a couple other things like that.  It has always been easy to do, but like I said, I have never tried with groceries.  I'm too picky to let somebody else choose my stuff!

Hope you got all your work out in that you wanted to!

Have a great evening!
Living in West Michigan and loving life!
Wife of 32 years
At home Mom to 3 grown sons ages 29, 25, 22 and  daughter in love aged 25

Offline greyhoundgirl

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Re: Thursday, July 19, 2018
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2018, 04:49:57 AM »
Lindsay, our Wal-mart just started pickup a few weeks ago and I tried it. If this had been available when my kids are small and Earl was deployed, it would have been a lifesaver! Anyway, it was a good experience. I only ordered a small amount of produce and that was organic but what they picked was great. You can text when you're on your way and they bring it right out to your vehicle and load it into the trunk for you. I'd say it's definitely worth trying at least once. I will be doing it again now and then. My main reason for not all the time is that I buy a limited amount of items there, one being cat litter. For some reason, my particular cat litter is not available on the pickup option, so I have to go in for it anyway. I keep meaning to try to find out how to contact them and ask them to include that cat litter as it's a nightmare trying to buy it in store at times. They keep it high up and once the first few bags on the shelf are gone, I cannot reach the rest. I usually have to track down an employee. The last couple of times I have resorted to having one of my children stand up in the cart to reach while I carefully hold and stabilize the cart. I need to get into doing Sam's Club pickups, but my problem there is that I like to go look around, lol.

Pam, glad you are back from your trip and made it okay. That does sound stressful with your mom!

Heading out to hike--the Wildlife Refuge where we go put out a restriction that we must be done by 10 AM due to the extreme heat right now (109 yesterday, 111 today, real temps but feeling hotter with the humidity), so we're leaving home at 6 to arrive around sunrise, which is 6:35 AM today. But ready to hike!


Offline Rooney

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Re: Thursday, July 19, 2018
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2018, 11:02:24 AM »
Catherine, I am looking at the time of your post this morning and thinking, YOU MUST REALLY LOVE HIKING, LADY!! :o  I am in awe at how you can do something so physically exerting that early.  I have never done well at anything workout-wise or physical competition-wise, if it took place in the morning, no matter how early I went to bed the night before.  Kudos to you! :)

Thanks to both Catherine and Pam for answering on the Walmart pickup question.  I was looking on their site a few days ago and noticed that pistachios there were a little over $3 for 8 ounces when we had been paying almost $5 for 6 ounces at Aldi and we eat a package a day of these.  That item itself is a lot of savings, if it is the same quality and no added ingredients.  I think I may try a small pickup order and see how it works out, and if it does, next time do a full order.  A full order could be 3 overflowing carts, so I want it to be right. ;)  Thanks for your insight.  And Cath, be careful trying to get that kitty-litter with the shopping cart "ladder". Wouldn't want any of your little people getting hurt all for the sake of the kitty's potty. lol ;) 


Offline greyhoundgirl

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Re: Thursday, July 19, 2018
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2018, 04:23:02 PM »
Catherine, I am looking at the time of your post this morning and thinking, YOU MUST REALLY LOVE HIKING, LADY!! :o  I am in awe at how you can do something so physically exerting that early.  I have never done well at anything workout-wise or physical competition-wise, if it took place in the morning, no matter how early I went to bed the night before.  Kudos to you! :)

Thanks to both Catherine and Pam for answering on the Walmart pickup question.  I was looking on their site a few days ago and noticed that pistachios there were a little over $3 for 8 ounces when we had been paying almost $5 for 6 ounces at Aldi and we eat a package a day of these.  That item itself is a lot of savings, if it is the same quality and no added ingredients.  I think I may try a small pickup order and see how it works out, and if it does, next time do a full order.  A full order could be 3 overflowing carts, so I want it to be right. ;)  Thanks for your insight.  And Cath, be careful trying to get that kitty-litter with the shopping cart "ladder". Wouldn't want any of your little people getting hurt all for the sake of the kitty's potty. lol ;) 


Yes, we're super careful. I don't want them hurt either.

As for hiking, yes, I do love it. However, I think this board is set to Mountain Time and I'm on Central Time, so it was really 5:49 AM when I posted, not 4:49. My friend picked me up a few minutes later at 6 and we were on the trail at 6:30.