Author Topic: Wednesday, May 18, 2016  (Read 948 times)

Offline wrancher

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Wednesday, May 18, 2016
« on: May 18, 2016, 07:35:06 AM »
Good morning!

Offline wrancher

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Re: Wednesday, May 18, 2016
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2016, 07:43:59 AM »
One more day till kids are out of school! Yeah for me not sure if they are excited or not.  They don't see their friends as much as we are busy farming/ranching.  We have lots on the list this summer. I just made list for the day and am already a little nervous about getting it done.  It will all be fine.  1 thing at a time.  I needed a little quiet time before I rushed into day.  I have my servants slaving away so all should be good. I am off to look for recipe on Pinterest for slow cooker chicken recipe. I put some boneless chicken thighs on traeger last night and now need to turn them into something. My husband HATES chicken unless it is fried. We eat lots and lots of beef being ranchers.  We love our traeger though.  We have put lots of parts into it because we use it all the time! In fact we bought some high temp paint to fix it up.  It isn't bad but just keep it looking nice.  Well I hear cows and calves bawling so something is wrong.  Better go check it out...


Offline Alice

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Re: Wednesday, May 18, 2016
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2016, 07:47:26 AM »
Good Morning,

It looks like we might have some spring weather! I'm so excited for that. I am not going to have flowers this year due to my budget being so very tight. Instead I have planted some veggies in my pots I planted some onions and chives from my dad, a rosmary plant and some green beans. It looks like an animal has been digging the beans up so I need to replant. I have some tomato plants and some jalepeno pepper plants. That's all I'm planting but my dad will be planting more and share with me.

It will be kind of sad to have no color around the house but that is the way it has to be this year. I might look around for some cheap seed flower packets and see what might work.

Hubby mowed the lawn (good therapy for his new hip!) on Monday and the lawn looks so pretty. Our porch has been cleaned out from the winter dust. I think it might need a refreshing though. I put christmas white lights along the ceiling so in the summer we can put those on and it will be kind of cute. We have a full sized futon out there, a lazy boy, a rocker and a dining table along with chairs so we can spend a lot of time out there without getting eaten by bugs.

I did not defrost my freezer this weekend because it was too cold and breezy and I want to do that on a day that it is less breezy so I can open the door to throw the ice outside. Maybe tomorrow!

Dinner tonight is up in the air. I have a pound of ground turkey thawed but I need some ideas.

Married to Henry
Mom to 3 kids
2 cats