The Hearth > Managing a Household

Thrusday, October 3, 2013

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Good Morning

It rained some in the night. The weather definitely changing. Oh my goodness! Just checked forecast and the next 3 days are rainy and snowy. Snow 1-2 during day tomorrow but tomorrow night 8-12". We are on the plains where we don't get as much as the hills but when we do it is a dosey!! ugh So Dh and I are moving cows around. I will unload freezer then go to neighbors and get her produce then go to town and get our beef that was butchered. I  want to call in the dimensions for a piece of glass we need cut for shop an hopefully take old jeep to town to get 2 tires fixed. Obviously someone ran over something because they are both flat on the same side. I need to go to storage shed and get our winter stuff out and some egg cartons for neighbor. I need to order coats for my boys. Thank heavens my MIL just bought my youngest  DD a coat.  So today will be busy in the rain in preparation for the snow. I need to do canning and bookwork in the house. Looks like tomorrow might be the day. OH I need to pick peppers again. I still need to use the old ones. Thank heavens for the walk in cooler.Everything lasts longer in there.

Time to get kids going

Have a great day Friends!

Good morning!

Janice - just reading about your days makes me tired! :D  I wish I had half your energy!

Today is an at-home day for me, my favorite kind.  I've gotten where I just almost hate to go places.  I need to pick more peppers and get them in the dehydrator and we'll start school as soon as Emily has her breakfast.  I need to pick more scupperdines.  I'll probably juice them and can it.  After that, it's just routine housecleaning and piddling. :)

Have a great day!

Good morning,

We are having storms here this morning. It is really rumbling out there and the rain is coming right down. We have a chance of severe storms tomorrow while Janice is supposed to be getting snow.  :o Then are highs are supposed to be in the lower 60s and lows in the lower 40s. Quite a change for us!

I sewed the binding on the little fall quilt for SIL last night. I just need to wash it and it is ready to gift to her. I hope she likes it.

Not a lot to do today. Well, I do have some crocheting to do. Just realized that my MIL's birthday is next Tuesday. Yikes. I struggle so with what to give her. Being in the nursing home, she doesn't have much room, doesn't need any clothes, can no longer do any crafts, not sure she can actually understand what she is reading, and she can't write any more.  :-\ I think I will attempt to crochet some fingerless gloves for her. Her hands are always cold, but she is not allowed to wear the compression gloves any more because of possible blood clots. Don't you think if I make these loose on her they would be ok? I have never made gloves or mittens, but have found a few patterns that say easy, peasy.  :D I should be able to figure it out.  ;)

I hope  you all have a wonderful day.


Good morning!

We got some snow again this morning and are supposed to again a couple days from now.  It's making me nervous for our trip to IL in a couple weeks.  We'll be driving!  :o

On my list today:

make grape jam and bottle it
bake a ham for canning this weekend
scrub table (it's amazing how much of a mess toddlers can make with just cereal)
clean last littler box
I need to do some all over tidying. 
1 load of laundry

Dinner tonight will be lobster bisque.  We're having a "little mermaid" movie watching night tonight, so there will be snacks after dinner.


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