The Hearth > Managing a Household

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

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Wow, Janice. That is just heartbreaking :(.  I'm so sorry that you all have to go through that. My prayers to you all!

Oh Janice, so sad. :(  I feel bad both for the people who are now wondering and worrying about money and also the animals who may have suffered.

Bobby- I love canning and have been canning everything in sight.  It's addicting! Have fun with your apple sauce!

Well, today has a bit of a gloom cloud over it.  One of my friends committed suicide a couple months ago and today is his birthday.  My thoughts immediately went to his mom.  I didn't know her, but I know that she was "mom" to a lot of people and her heart must be hurting so much today.

The kid's playdate got moved to this morning, so that will fill most of the morning.  We'll be playing at the park, so I'm hoping they will be worn out and take a good nap.  Trevor will be home from his overnight hunt tonight and I'd like to make sure the house is clean.  It's not bad, but I'll need to do the floors and some picking up in areas.

Other than that, I've left the day fairly open in the afternoon.

Have a good one, ladies!

On 2nd thought we will leave calves where they are just move a few in corral to where the others are. If things couldn't get any worse we are now all bracing for another storm starting tomorrow. This time it is in the form of rain. My friends mom was talking with the national weather service as she reports totals to them and they aid the rain could be just as significant as the snow was and maybe more. We are all now worried about the cattle getting pneumonia as the stress they went through. We are going to put out extra mineral barrels that has more vitamins, etc.  Oh the $$ this costs. But wouldn't trade it for an office job. I Think. Ask me tomorrow and an office job might be great!!!!

Good morning ladies,

Janice, how incredibly sad. Oh, it just breaks my heart.

I have already been to Oregon to get the car inspected and gassed up. Went by to tell MIL happy birthday and take her the 2nd set of fingerless gloves I made for her. She was having a bad day, so I didn't stay long.  :( She had gotten her right hand caught between the wall and her scooter, so it was wrapped and the workers told me she had a booboo. I hope it isn't serious.  :(

In store for me this afternoon is to give Buddy a good bath. I gave him a haircut yesterday, so he needs a bath today. I had planned to just let his hair grow out, but  he has so much of it, I decided to go ahead and trim it. I believe he is happier with it trimmed up.  ;D

I plan to do laundry tomorrow, so will see if anything needs mending today. Might also try to get another quilt sandwiched. I haven't had anything in my hoop for a week and starting to suffer from withdrawal. LOL  :D

Something got another of my barred rock hens yesterday evening and pulled the tail feathers from a different hen. So they are on lockdown again.  :o  >:(

Need to get Kevin off to work. You all have a great day.



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