Author Topic: Friday, March 6  (Read 958 times)

Offline 4kidsmom

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Friday, March 6
« on: March 06, 2015, 07:53:12 AM »
Good morning!

It's a beautiful, sunny morning.  Temperatures are still around freezing but will warm up to mid 50s.  Our temperatures are on the upswing so all the snow that fell the other day will be gone by tomorrow for sure.

Right now I am working on my March menu.  While I still shop weekly, I like having a whole month's menu planned out so I only have to do the planning once.  Then I will look over my food supplies and see if I can avoid going to the store until next Wednesday.  I bought milk yesterday, which was about the only thing I was really out of so we'll see.

Steven's coming home from his business trip tomorrow.  Turned out to be quite the adventure.  He was in Rochester from Tuesday night to (supposed to be) yesterday morning.  Yesterday morning he and his travel partner were supposed to fly to Washington, DC for a job fair at Gallaudet University.  They would stay there today and fly home tomorrow.  Well, with the bad weather, the job fair and flight to DC were cancelled.  Lance (the travel partner) called the airline to see if they could get flights home yesterday but after being told the wait time was 2 hours, they decided to just go to the airport and talk to the agents at the counter.  The hotel they were staying at was right near the airport so it wasn't a big deal to do that.  Plus they had to checkout anyway.  So they went to talk to the agents at the counter and after some looking around there was a flight leaving in 30 minutes.  Unfortunately, they didn't have their bags with them and still had to return the rental car keys.  So they scrambled to get their bags and the keys turned in and ran to security.  Got through security and arrived at the gate only to find the plane was pulling away.  What a bummer.  So they got on the phone with the company's travel agency to book another hotel and get flights.  The rest of yesterday and all of today were packed.  So they're flying home tomorrow after all but they'll be arriving in the morning instead of at night.

Today's list:  laundry, Sunday clothes prep, house pick up, housecleaning chores (kids will help with that), and working in the office.

Have a wonderful day!


Offline MoWin

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Re: Friday, March 6
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2015, 08:33:00 AM »
Good morning,
   I have been waiting a long time to say that. LOL It is supposed to get into the 50s today, already 40*. The sun is shining, but the wind is howling. Of course, that is normal for March in Missouri. It is supposed to be in the 60s and 70 next week. Looking forward to that.  ;)
   You will have to excuse a mama and grandma brag here for a bit. I will update our family. LOL
   Carolyn will be leaving for India next Thurs. on a missions trip. She is going through her church, but also as an RN. They will be working with young women in the area to teach them personal hygiene. She is very excited about this, but her mama is a bit worried, so please pray for her safety.  :)
   Cathryn is doing well as a 4th grade teacher in Topeka. She loves her job and keeps going back to school for more training. Her son, Ashton is severely dyslexic. Our poor grandson has struggled so much in school. Cathryn has researched and done everything in her power to find ways to make things easier for Ashton to learn to read. He is really smart in science and math, just struggles with reading. Well, it has finally paid off. He is on the honor roll at his school. You have never seen a prouder or more deserving kid than he is. I cried when I saw the picture of him holding up the honor student banner.  ;D
   Hazel is still in college to get her accounting degree. She has a a boyfriend now, and he seems really nice. She called me crying a few weeks ago. Her almost grown cat had jumped off the cabinet and broke his leg. The vet in KC was going to charge her $1500 to operate on him. She couldn't afford that and was afraid she would have to have him put down. It was just breaking her heart. I told her to call our vet up here. Yeah, they told her it would be about $400 and that included neutering him. She was so excited. So they dropped Squeaky off for surgery, then visited us for the day. I am happy to say that Squeaky has made a full recovery and it did not bankrupt our daughter. The KC doctor wouldn't even try to work with her. When she told the Savannah doc that she was from up here, they told her to come on. How is that for country folks?  ;D
   Isaiah is doing very well. He is still working out of Denver, but gets to fly home every other weekend to see his daughter. He will probably always have to travel with this job, but he is loving it. I am so glad he has found something that he cares about. Now, if he would just find a nice young lady and settle down.  ;)
   Jon was just made foreman at INN. It is a steel company that he has worked at since he was 18. He is 26 now. He is beyond happy. We are so proud of him. The lady he is with has 4 children. He loves them as his own. He is such a great father, even though he is only 13 years older than Kim's oldest son.  ???
   Kevin and I are both doing well. It has been a long winter and we will be so glad to invite spring back. LOL I have gotten lots of knitting practice in. We will soon be out in the garden. Kevin has lots of apps out and has started using the net to find something. Surely something will become available. Thank you all, again for keeping us in your prayers. I think those are what have kept me sane.  ;) You all have a wonderful day!
Winona in northwest Missouri
Wife to Kevin
Mom to Carolyn, Cathryn, Isaiah, Hazel, and Jon
Grandma to Ashton, Ava, Noah, Izabella, and Maddison
Furbabies: Aeris, Buddy, and Callie

Offline Cheryl

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Re: Friday, March 6
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2015, 09:23:35 AM »
Good morning!

Winona, I am so glad to see you back here!  I hope you get to stick around.  Sounds like your family is doing well, and I will keep praying that Kevin finds something soon.

I am so tired of this winter.  The weather has been so bad with first snow, then rain, and finally ice yesterday, that Tony has missed so many days of work.  I dread calling the bank to see what was deposited this morning.  Yesterday was Emily's 11th birthday and we were stuck at home.  I'd like to get out and do something fun for her this weekend.

Well, the sun is shining so I guess I need to catch up on the laundry and get it on the line to dry.  I also need to do some cleaning and rearranging in the laundry room.  I hope to work on a menu as well. 

Supper tonight is homemade pizza with a salad.  Have a great day!
Cheryl in Alabama
Wife to Tony
Mother to Lana & Emily
Nana to Logan & Madilyn

Offline MissMandy

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Re: Friday, March 6
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2015, 09:40:22 AM »
Gooooood Morniiiing! (if I sound super cheerful, with that make spring come any faster ;D?)

Merilee - We did get a decent snow in the DC area yesterday.  Growing up here, I've definitely seen worse (and now that we live about an hour away in the 'country' and on a mountain, 10" is practically nothing), but for the city it was significant.  I hope that all of the travel stress and changes of plans resolve quickly and easily and he can get back home soon!

Winona - It is SO GOOD to see you back on here and read your family update!

Cheryl - Happy birthday to Emily!

We're still planning on staying home today after yesterday's snow, but I want to be productive around the house after yesterday's lazy snow day (well, aside from shoveling...twice).  It's not supposed to climb any higher than the mid-20's today, but the sun seems to be melting the shoveled driveway, so hopefully it will clear the roads some as well.

Today I've got one load of laundry to fold and put away.  Funny, I've recently discovered that doing my laundry separately from Jean's makes things So. Much. Easier!  I only have a full load of my clothes every week to ten days or so, but he goes through 3 outfit changes each day sometimes, between work (gross construction clothes), working out (gross sweaty clothes), and normal/lounge clothes.  So, I've been utilizing the two hampers we already have and keeping our clothes separate, and it's made such a difference!  I used to drag my feet with laundry, particularly putting it away in multiple places, but now it's easy-peasy.

Also today I'd like to go over our floors, but with ice and snow still down it's more of a cursory vacuuming, not an actual cleaning.  I also need to go over both bathrooms and make the bed.

Tomorrow we are headed to Old Town Alexandria for their St. Patrick's Day parade.  I've walked in the local DC parades at various times in the past with different groups I belonged to (Irish Northern Aid Committee, Capital Rowing Club, our Scottish clan) as well as last year with the local Wolfhound club, but this is the first year that we will be able to march along as part of the wolfhound club with our very own wolfie!  We are so excited :).  Next weekend we'll do another local parade closer to us on Saturday, and then the larger DC parade on Sunday.  I've attached a few photos of us at last year's parades where we served as banner carriers and helped walk other peoples' pups.

Well, best get to it!  As much as I keep hoping, that laundry won't fold itself ;D.

Mandy, wife to Jean, furmama to Irish Wolfhound Grimmauld (Grimm), living in the mountains of Virginia.  Childless by circumstance and loving it! ♥