Author Topic: July 12, 2018  (Read 1090 times)

Offline Rooney

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July 12, 2018
« on: July 12, 2018, 08:15:01 AM »
Good morning friends. :)

I haven't gotten to post much lately---just been busier than usual.  But, also I guess I just miss the days where we would all just kinda "chat it up" here, instead of only telling about our days.  Am I the only one that misses that? ???

So anyway, yesterday we had a birthday.  Oreo ice cream cake.  Yeah. :P When you haven't eaten things like that in almost a year, they actually taste....NOT GOOD. :P  On the plus side, that makes me not want stuff like that at all, so I guess that is good.  Child with a birthday said it was a great birthday, so VERY happy about that.

Today will be busy.  Getting ready to get my workout in.  Then have to mow.  After that we are walking up to the orchard to get eggs and picks some blackberries.  The kids like to go up there and play with some friends too.  Then I need to come back here and clean up a bit in the house.  I am having an old high school friend and her kids over.  The kids are going to play on the inflatable waterslide while we catch up on years we missed together.  I am so excited to see her again!! ;D  Tonight hubby will put down the last 5 tiles of our bathroom remodel on the kids bathroom too. Am all to glad to have that done.  Somewhere in all that need to figure out and cook dinner.  Nothing has sounded good lately with all the humidity, but I am leaning towards ground turkey and some broccoli and maybe some grapes.

Oh, I also am placing the order for all the curriculums for the year.  Fortunately I have it all figured out already and all that is left is actually making the order.   It is so much fun to get the new books in for the year and go through them all.  The kids act like it is another Christmas! ;D LOL The not so fun part is name labeling all the books and then reinforcing the labels with clear packing-like tape so they don't fall off with usage.  I'll just bet I can get help with that if I ask though. ;)

Just thought of something else.  Need to order the Book-It packets if I have time too.

Well, guess I will drink my pre-workout drink and go get my lat/bicep workout done.



Offline Alice

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Re: July 12, 2018
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2018, 07:42:04 AM »
Hey Lindsay,

We also bought an Oreo ice cream cake last week and we also don't eat that stuff very often and I thought it was awful. But that was because I'm not used to eating that stuff so it was just OK. Everyone else seemed to like it but I couldn't even eat a whole piece. The leftovers were frozen for another day and I didn't have any of that either.

We had friends over for dinner and I didn't even think of dessert so hubby went in search of something and came back with that. It was waaaaay too expensive for something that was so small (the box it came it in was much bigger) and not that wonderful.

Lesson learned--make a better dessert at home next time.

Married to Henry
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Offline Rooney

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Re: July 12, 2018
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2018, 09:48:05 AM »
Alice, I used to like the oreo ice cream cakes from DQ, many years ago, but the kids saw these at ALDI and insisted on them for the next birthday.  I had the feeling it wouldn't be as good and it definitely wasn't.  I always bake their birthday cakes, but this time they asked for something different.  Lesson learned here as well. :P