Author Topic: Saturday, December 19, 2015  (Read 942 times)

Offline wrancher

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Saturday, December 19, 2015
« on: December 19, 2015, 07:46:04 AM »
Good morning

Offline greyhoundgirl

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Re: Saturday, December 19, 2015
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2015, 08:24:36 AM »
Mornin', Janice, and all to follow!

Sitting here having sips of coffee in between getting up to stir the fried potatoes.  Micah LOVES our breakfast bowls of fried potatoes, scrambled eggs, crumbled bacon, and shredded cheese, so begged to make them this morning.  He and Morgan helped me peel and dice the potatoes.

Morgan auditioned for a singing group several weeks back, and was one of 35 chosen from over 200 who auditioned.  Today, they are performing at an awesome little town called Medicine Park that's off to the side of the wildlife refuge where I hike.  They'll perform, then march in the town's Christmas parade and sing one song during that.  I am probably going to be riding on the float for the "Friends" group for the Wildlife Refuge.  We joined last year and I try to volunteer there when possible in thanks for the many wonderful hikes I've had there.

I'll be putting a smallish brisket in the crockpot after breakfast, and I think that will be dinner over some loaded baked potatoes.  Sounds good after a chilly afternoon outside.

Christmas shopping is DONE other than 2 gift cards I need to pick up this next week.  And mostly wrapped, woo-hoo!  I plan to just enjoy the next week, maybe do some baking and goodie making with the kids.  We still need to do our white-chocolate dipped pretzels that have become a tradition.  I bought a bag of gluten-free ones so I can have some, too.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!


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Re: Saturday, December 19, 2015
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2015, 12:46:51 PM »
Good morning everyone (what's left of it  ;) )

I am finally having some breakfast/lunch and a 2nd cup of coffee.  Trevor and I going to go out and do his Christmas shopping for dad and his brother pretty soon and then I think I'll be home all evening.  I think I will put on my grandma's snowman sweatshirt that she used to wear and do some baking.  Brandon is greeting at all the church services this weekend and he has a dance/dinner with the high school group after tonight's service so while he is gone, I need to make his blanket that he is getting for Christmas.

Yesterday was a busy day with picking up the dogs from the kennel (they had been there 10 days for our vacation.  I missed them SO much!), chiropractor, gym and then grocery and shopping for stocking stuffers so I think an afternoon and evening home will be delightful.  I think some cranberry wassail in the crockpot will make a nice treat too... and Christmas movies!  With vacation, moving next month and surgery in just over a week, we are not putting up a tree this year.  I feel like I have missed out on the fun and magic of the season a bit so I'm going to go all out for the next week, LOL.  Christmas movies, music, lights, baking.  Ya'll, I'm a mess!  :o 8)

Dinner tonight is something that uses a pound of ground beef because that's what I have thawed out in the fridge. Better figure that out soon.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Offline wrancher

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Re: Saturday, December 19, 2015
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2015, 02:27:11 PM »
Nice how I got interrupted in my post and never got back to it. Ran Lane to town to catch bus for game about3-4 hours away.  I ran errands in town. Right now I am doing some paperwork and canning 7 qts. chicken to have on hand. Massive amounts of laundry to do. Not complaining though as Megan is home for Christmas.  I am fixing to run to a neighbors and deliver FFA fruit sales for Lane , then home to work on a boot frame mirror for Christmas gift that I sold. I need to get as much done today as gone tomorrow to Allisons 1 day tourney. Took Lane to city for EEG yesterday and pickup up glucose meter. So far 103 2x so that is GOOD!!Must have been that egg nog shake he had last night  Well better make tracks.


Catherine so nice to see you back. Lindsay hows the family?  Keep posting people it its fun!

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Re: Saturday, December 19, 2015
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2015, 03:27:22 PM »
Good Morning,

I know it is 5:18 pm already but this is my first down time of the day.

We had the kids come home about 10 pm last night from college but they got into some pretty heavy snowfall on the way home and boy was I glad to see them come home! We had to get up for birthday breakfast but I was away already at 5:40 am even going to bed at about midnight. I started the kids' laundry because two of them are flying out of country tomorrow morning so I had to get the laundry started for them. After breakfast was a shopping day for same kids who needed some clothing that had worn out over the semester. One of the kids is a guest staying with us for the two nights only but he really needed a few things. Then a visit to grandma since it would have been grandpa''s birthday today. She needed a visit. Finally, I am home and I got the kids to fold their laundry and now I need to make dinner and just sit for a bit. Hubby had to do a few church errands and the kids car needed tires looked at. He is still not home. 

Tomorrow morning we have our daughter needing to get to the airport at about 4:30 or 5 am then home to church, then a quick lunch, then back to the airport for our guest to catch his plane, then other daughter to a friend's house. Then on Monday morning a dr. appt. for youngest daughter and I need to go back to work. I guess I go to work to relax.

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