Author Topic: Thrusday, January 7, 2015  (Read 1404 times)

Offline wrancher

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Thrusday, January 7, 2015
« on: January 07, 2016, 05:11:20 AM »
Good Morning

Offline wrancher

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Re: Thrusday, January 7, 2015
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2016, 05:25:14 AM »
WOW  I thought when I came back from vacation it would only take a little bit to keep up with this board. How fun to see everyone back on! So exciting! 

A week in Cancun was beyond awesome!! We had never really had honeymoon but we went down with 26 other people for our friends 40th birthday.  Hard to come back to the snow and super cold.

The kids did a great job keeping everything together while we were gone.  My mom stayed with them just to help keep order but I think it overwhelmed her. She tried to tackle extra cleaning jobs but had a hard time just staying up with laundry and dishes.  Everything turned out fine. I am back to massive bookwork. We go to accountant February 9 but will be here before I am ready. We have a heavy schedule of ball games and just general chores. Megan will leave to go back to college Monday so my chores lady will be gone. I couldn't sleep so decided to just get up and get some stuff done. I may need a nap but pry wont get one.

Offline greyhoundgirl

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Re: Thrusday, January 7, 2015
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2016, 06:42:13 AM »
Janice, sounds like fun!  Good to see you back.

Good morning, all,

Finishing coffee after having updated in the grocery thread and taking Maddy to school.  It's misting rain this morning and quite foggy.  Micah and I are supposed to hike at 9, so we'll see.  He asked to do this for his birthday.  I don't mind hiking in  misty rain if I have my contacts in, but I'm not sure if he would enjoy it or not, so we'll play it by ear.

Other than Micah's hike, I need to make his cake this afternoon and wrap presents.  Sweep, probably wash towels, and fix dinner.  Mallory has academic team right after school and then I'll take her straight to clogging.  Morgan usually has clogging on Thursdays but hers has been rescheduled for tomorrow.


Offline pamgonzo

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Re: Thrusday, January 7, 2015
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2016, 07:48:33 AM »
Welcome Back Janice! Glad you had such fun in Mexico! We missed you here!

Catherine - hope you get to get your hike on today!  Happy Birthday to Micah!

Today is a really chill day for me.  We went out with friends last night, and had such a nice time.  We were out later than I had expected, but it was fun.

I am staying in today.  It is cold, in the 20's, here. I just don't like to run errands in this kind of cold if I don't have too.  I will run to grab a few things that I need that are on sale, tomorrow morning.  We are headed up north tomorrow afternoon, so since I have to go out then, I will just wait and do it all tomorrow. 

I have a load of laundry that needs to be folded, so that is on my list.  I just have a few chores that need to be done today. Bathrooms and floors are on the list. 

We are suppose to be having apricot ginger chicken for dinner, but it is kind of in a holding pattern since hubby has a meeting about an hour away from home, and is unsure of when he will be home.  There are leftovers from dinner out last night, and there is plenty of leftover lasagna soup, so I might just go with those and use them up before we leave for the weekend. At least that way it won't be wasted.  I'll just push the chicken to another menu another day.

Hope everyone has a great day!
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Re: Thrusday, January 7, 2015
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2016, 08:57:55 AM »
Happy Thursday!

I'm having some coffee and a slice of cinnamon raisin toast.  Going to dry my hair and put on make-up and head to my post op appointment soon.

A possible renter is coming to look at this house in a couple hours.  The hubs will be home to show it to them since I'll be at the doctor. 

Once home, I will do some decluttering and packing.  We have life group tonight.  So excited!  We have not got together with our group since November.  Love time with our church family.

Dinner tonight...leftovers!

Offline Alice

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Re: Thrusday, January 7, 2015
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2016, 09:21:27 AM »
Not a lot going on for me either. I've cleaned up the family room in the basement, the fridge is empty of all leftovers, and tonight is a volunteer night for me so I won't be home. Tomorrow, I will clean the fridge and then buy only necessary food items to fill back in there. The budget is so tight that I can only get fresh items.

I will do laundry on Saturday since I'm not home until then and the towels need to me washed badly.  I am struggling with making meals that are easy but cooking from the freezer isn't very easy. I really just want casseroles and one-pot meals though not necessarily crock pot since I think that always is the same kind of food.

I did a chili last night for my daughter and I didn't love it though she did. I also did some summer squash sauteed and lemon chicken in the skillet. All from fridge and freezer. There's enough chili for daughter tonight and enough chicken for hubby tonight when I'm gone. I don't know what I'm having but I did find corn tortillas in the freezer. I might just do eggs/salsa in the tortilla. Over the weekend I think I will do a chicken dumpling soup in the crockpot and I think my chicken pieces then will be all gone. I have whole chickens but no more pieces. I could do corn bread since I have all the ingredients in the pantry for that.

I am going to go through all the candy my kids received over Christmas break (and they left most of it at home when they went back to school) and I am going to get rid of all of it. I don't want any of it around taking up space and no one is going to eat it anyway.

I had to purchase new kitchen floor rugs because my old ones were losing their rubber grip but I put them in the basement on the cement floor by an old desktop with a chair on it. It won't move that way and my feet have a warm place if I ever have to work there.

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Offline Linda G.

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Re: Thrusday, January 7, 2015
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2016, 11:14:44 AM »
HI Ladies.... Janice its good to see you...glad you had a nice vacation.... Gary is off today so we are heading to Starbucks for our little time away..and taking Clover who also loves to go and get her treat. It's cold and rainy so when we get home we will hibernate and play with Mr. Mouse, then i am cooking a Lasagna... Nick will sleep all day as he works tonight... Better get moving... Love to you all.

Offline sbdriver

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Re: Thrusday, January 7, 2015
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2016, 11:27:27 AM »
Hi ladies  :)

It's snowing here and has been since last night. Roads are horrible to drive on and of course I had to go fuel the bus this morning. Made it home at 10:30 finally.

My stove got switched out at 2 yesterday but they didn't get here to level it up etc until 6:30 last night. Good thing it's the guys from the office here lol. They are still out there working on the rest today that they didn't get to last night.

I'm mopping over my hall floor and the kitchen. Even though it wasn't snowing yesterday they still had snow from the parking lot so lots of tracking over the floor taking out old stove and bringing new one in. I left it after christmas so I didn't have to redo it again since I knew they were coming.

Well off to get some of my decluttering done.

Sis, you would love it here.... wouldn't believe how many Starbucks we have here. Just by my place you could walk to one in like 3 mins and drive to 2 more in 5 mins lol

Have a great day everyone!
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Offline Linda G.

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Re: Thrusday, January 7, 2015
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2016, 05:16:51 PM »
yes Sis i sure would.. Starbucks, snow and hanging with you would be a blast.