Author Topic: Monday, December 16, 2013  (Read 2030 times)

Offline Cheryl

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Monday, December 16, 2013
« on: December 16, 2013, 07:08:14 AM »
Good Monday morning!

Where is everyone today?

I hope everyone had a great weekend.  It was cold and miserable here yesterday, but today is sunny and warm.  I have some things I'd like to get done today in the house, such as cleaning out my fridge.

I will get Emily started on her school work soon while I do the breakfast dishes. 

Supper tonight will be the pork chops I was going to cook last night but didn't.

Hope everyone has a great day! :)
Cheryl in Alabama
Wife to Tony
Mother to Lana & Emily
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Offline Proudmama

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Re: Monday, December 16, 2013
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2013, 07:47:22 AM »
Good morning!

Cheryl - Have a great day!

Today is an at home day which is good because I don't have much gas in my car and no money to get any until later in the week!  I am going to the movies tonight with our friend Ed but he is driving and the movie is free.

The girls are at school, Doug is at work and the lazy boys are still asleep!  Once they get up, they will be straightening up that mess they call a room.  They both got home on Friday and just dumped their stuff in the middle of the floor.  Since they will be home for about a month, they really need to put their clothes in their drawers and put everything else where it belongs, too.

So far today I have washed and hung up two loads of laundry, folded one basket of clothes, have a third load of clothes going in the wash, cleaned up the kitchen after breakfast, cleaned off the two desks, made a partial shopping list for the next two weeks, done a menu plan for half of January, figured out the bills for the next two pays, put the soup in the crockpot and went over what I still need to get for Christmas along with what I need to spend.  I still have to finish up the girls' laundry and hang it up to dry, wash the girls' sheets and hang them up, wash the kitchen linens and put them in the dryer, add the stew meat to the soup in the crockpot, make bread in the breadmaker and make some chocolate chip cookies for Madelyn's case manager (and us, of course!).  Then I hope to read some this afternoon.

Dinner tonight is vegetable beef soup and bread.  Madelyn will have some leftover minestrone.  I will be gone at dinner so may just have some popcorn at the movies.

Have a wonderful day!


Offline greyhoundgirl

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Re: Monday, December 16, 2013
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2013, 08:39:24 AM »
Good morning!

Having a "brownie batter" shake this is VERY chocolatey!  :P  Good, though.  It has pumpkin (you don't taste it, just helps the texture), almond milk, cocoa, stevia, a bit of ice, and I threw in a scoop of chocolate protein powder to make it a meal.

Okay, sitting at my table and a car just went quickly down the street (speed limit is supposed to be 25) followed by three police cars.  Not liking that too much.  I  just read where there were 3 stores robbed last night/overnight here in town, including a convenience store just blocks from here.

The weather is warming up this week!  In fact, Thursday is supposed to get to 69...planning to hike that day for sure.  :)  I miss hiking but haven't gone the last few weeks due to colder temps or bad weather.

Dinner tonight is pot roast in the crockpot, with potatoes, onions, carrots, and radishes.  The radishes cook in the broth and are similar to a tiny potato when done, so are a low carb option for Earl and I.

Have a  great week!

Offline wrancher

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Re: Monday, December 16, 2013
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2013, 10:15:09 AM »
Good Morning

I still need to figure out my password and login on my laptop. Can you only be logged in on 1 computer at a time?  Crafting day was fun. Got a rope cross made and fixin to make another one a little different. I will try and post pics. We didnt have wine but we had crab salad, olive cheese bread, roast with peppercuni peppers, meat, cheese,crackers and chex mix. So today I have already did chores but might have to help DH load some cows to take to sale barn. I already have dishes and laundry going and went for a walk to get 4wheeler where kids left it. I went searching in shop for some chains for the 4wheeler that we have never used to list on craigslist. I have to finish the coaches gift of a frame copy of a pic of basketball that I had the team sign and I have Thanks Coach on. I also found these little stress balls that were basketballs and a ceramic net they rest in to wrap today. They have end of year party wednesday but only their school season is over. Some girls wont got on the traveling team. DD is on 2 teams so she will get good exercise. I jsut have the kids to finish buying for and I need to start wrapping presents. I left the kids presents at my mothers as they have already found some. I think I cant stand it anymore I am gonna have to make another pot of coffee. I am sure when DH comes back in he will want some also.

Have a great day

Offline Andrea G

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Re: Monday, December 16, 2013
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2013, 10:38:29 AM »
Good afternoon!

Cheryl, pork chops sound so good!

Denise, your sons sound like mine.  He sleeps way later than he should, and I am not even going into his room because I know what a mess it will be.  But, it sure is nice to have him home for a few weeks.

Catherine, I love your avatar pic! You are beautiful :)

Janice, I would love to see pics of your rope cross. Sounds like you had a great day yesterday.

It is an at home day, love that! Just the usual cleaning, and I want to finish a crochet dish cloth. I am making gift baskets for my Mom and my sister with jam and homemade goodies, so I want to add a couple of dish cloths.

 It is a beautiful sunny day here, but really cold.  We got about 8 inches of snow on Saturday night and it looks so pretty sparkling in the sun.  The guy that plows our driveway had equipment issues so he couldn't make it.  We had to do it by hand, which took a looong time!  Luckily the snow was light and fluffy.

Have a great day everyone! :)
Loving life in southern Ontario
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Offline auntotiti

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Re: Monday, December 16, 2013
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2013, 12:25:27 PM »
Good morning ladies,
A quick dental checkup this morning.  Told him I will make appt for next year when I find out what my ins. coverage is.
Some general cleaning and laundry here.
My DH's nephew passed last week,, so visitation tonight, services tomorrow...27 yrs old and so shocking, said he didn't feel well and gone 20 min is short.
Will mix up tuna for sandwiches later.
Wishing you all a blessed day.
Married to mybest friend Mike 38 yrs
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Offline greyhoundgirl

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Re: Monday, December 16, 2013
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2013, 12:26:25 PM »
Oh Pam, that's so sad about your nephew.  So young.  Will be praying for y'all and the family.