The Barn and Fields > Gardening

2016 Gardening

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Its raining!  A lot! 

Garden is getting free water  ;)

I've weeded on four days the past few days, and finally have most of the seed pod sprouts up.  I'm sure there will be more out there today, though.

Earl hooked a hose to one of our rain barrels so I was able to water with that yesterday, mainly areas where I planted more seeds on Saturday, but also some of the other plants.  We'll set our totes out to catch the predicted rain tomorrow and then use buckets to refill the rain barrel I took out of.  One of these days, if there is extra money, we'll get it all set up to automatically fill the barrels, but we have to install gutters first.

Garlic is still going strong, and yesterday I put in herbs on the deck (cilantro, 'Red Freddy' basil, Apple Mint, dill, and rosemary) and marigolds around the perimeter of the square foot garden.  I also put in some freesia and gladiolus bulbs in the front yard.


The spinach and kale are now mostly pulled up and fed to the chickens and ducks.  Just a few more kale plants to go.  They were turning bitter from bolting.

I planted the new cherry tree last week, where the previous one was.  :/

Last week, I planted out my tomato starts that survived the cat upset, as well as more basil seeds and some fresh cucumber seeds I just purchased.  My others mostly did not come up so I decided to get newer seed and replant.  Those are up now.

Yesterday, I planted the rest of the peppers I'd started from seed.  They weren't doing well in their flats, so despite being tiny, I felt it was best to put them out.  Also planted another 3 tomato plants I'd bought, along with 2 eggplant plants and some verbena and chives in the herb and flower garden.  Got my tomato plants caged (those that need it) as well.  Between the volunteers and what I've purposely planted, I think I'm up to about 30 tomato plants--more than I intended, anyway!

Oh, and corn is up!  This is an early variety and I'm going to scout out where I might tuck a later variety as well.

Our garden is also coming along nicely.  Zucchini, yellow squash, pumpkin, watermelon, corn, green beans, carrots, peas, peppers, tomatoes, cucumber, tomatillo and artichokes are all up and doing well.  Some are slower starting than the others but I am pleased overall. 

We planted all of the new fruit trees this weekend so now we have orange, plum, peach, pomegranate, Fuji apple, Gala apple and fig.  Looking forward to watching them grow and hopefully getting lots of fruit.

The Meyer lemon seed that I started are doing well too.  I have 7 started.  I'll keep several and give a few away.


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